Don't you sometimes find that all the stress you feel in your life at this moment is caused by arguing with "what is". This kind of thinking is just a way of wanting reality to be different than it actually is!
A lot of the time, the only reason we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with "what is".
When our mind is perfectly clear, "what is" is what we accept in this moment.
Create Time For Your Life and start paying attention and you'll notice that you think thoughts like this all the time.
How often do you use the word SHOULD? Whenever the word 'should' shows up, that's what is going on. As in "I should be thinner, my friend should be
less sensitive, my spouse should be more attentive."
Wanting your reality to be different than what it is in this
moment, is just hopeless. You could spend the rest of your life trying
to teach your dog to use litter tray...Just coz you think it "should" doesn't mean it "can"..
However this doesn't mean you can't try to create changes with certain things ...
Accepting "what is" doesn't mean you have to settle for the way things are, it
just means you give up all the "resistance" and inner struggle by "wishing" it were different.
So drop your "shoulds" and start asking "how can i"? And take Action!