How often do you pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how wonderful you are?
In my Coaching practice I teach an exercise called Mirror Boosting!
I recommend doing this exercise for a minimum of 21 days in a row without skipping a day as a way of building your self-esteem and your self-confidence.
A number of years ago I suffered from Post Traumatic Stress. I had heard about using positive affirmations as a way of healing and moving forwards but had never incorporated it into my own life. Well..what a transformation when I started literally talking to myself in the mirror!
The number one benefit I have received from using this Exercise over the past five years is that I have developed a very intimate relationship with myself.
I now call it 'My Mirror Boost Buck-Up"!!
'Vivien I acknowledge you for saying yes to your wildest dream.' '
"Vivien I am so proud of you for doing the Mirror Exercise for the past five years"
"Vivien I acknowledge you for all your persistence growing your business."
"Vivien I admire the way you accept and flow with all the changes in your life"
'Vivien , I love you.' '
"Vivien you deserve the very best!'
(This is just in case my subconscious isn't clear about that because in my head I do truly believe it !)
Now, even when I have a really bad day, I look myself in the mirror and come up with good things to say.
I look deeply into my eyes, and talk to myself really slowly. Real honesty. I have accomplished so much, so why shouldn't I acknowledge it?
While talking to myself I stand a little taller, feel good and smile. And when I am finished I stand even taller..feel even better and am normally laughing!!
You see before, I used to always acknowledge everyone else....feeling that they were better than me.... Always feeling that they had " got it altogether" far more than me!
Sometimes even now I feel really amazed at all the positive benefits of the Mirror Boost Buck-Up practice.
I find that I am able to ask others for help more, and I am really getting good at receiving it! I always have had self-confidence and high self-esteem, but now I am much more grounded, present and self-assured.
All things grow with positivity.
So are you acknowledging your positives?
Look into your own eyes and acknowlede what you have accomplished whether big or small will have a truly powerful impact.
The repeated looking into your eyes and saying I love you strengthens the love muscle. I always acknowledge my friends, my family, my clients, and my children knowing it will make them more successful.
However practicing the Mirror Exercise has made ME more successful. I now value my own needs as much as I value other people's needs, which has also led to stronger relationships. I now feel able to ask for a lot more and I am much better at receiving.
If you'd like to learn more about personal development then check out my website at