- Set your Alarm
- Stretch
- Shower
- Floss
- Groom
- Get dressed for work not leisure
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Five mins of news only
- Go out your back door (if you have one)
- Take a short brisk walk
- Come back in the front door ready to imediately start work
- Turn off door bell
- Turn off social media
- Set up a proper working room/space i.e.Space allowing, set aside a specific, separate area in your home where you can set yourself up - ideally with a properly adjusted desk and chair, similar to your workplace.The NHS advice is that you should adjust your chair so you can use the keyboard
- Get a lock on the inside of your room to ensure no interruptions from kids etc
- Agree times of day you will be available for questions, opening jars and playing with kids. Mentally accept that this will not always work and you’ll have to work through the night!
- Take coffee breaks with a work colleague on facetime and lunch breaks with your family.
- Establish boundaries with your company.. i.e.Try to work normal Hours. Try not to over compensate..i.e. trying to be seen to be working more than is necessary
- Add in a workout at some point and get your gym kit ready the night before.
- Accept that once you do something over and over, it becomes a habit, so the first week may be challenging but eventually it all becomes part of your routine.
- At the end of a working day, it's best to switch off your computer and tidy away papers and other items.
- Get out and about at lunch or coffee break for ten mins (if you're not self-isolating). Working from home shouldn't mean you stay cooped up indoors all day. While you might not miss your daily commute, it does guarantee that you leave the house at least once during the day. So get your shoes on, get outside and enjoy that fresh air. A different perspective will also help undo mental blocks and give you a fresh pair of eyes for any tasks you're struggling with.
- If you can't go outside, you could even bring the atmosphere of the office to you.
- Use an app that plays background sounds such as a train moving along tracks, or the chatter of a coffee shop.
- Pick Up the Phone. If you're working from home, the chances are you'll be alone, so you won't get distracted by colleagues' conversations and other office noise. When you're at work, you're more likely to engage with colleagues but when you're working from home, you could spend the whole day without speaking to anyone which can be isolating.
- If you have a partner in the home with you send them messages that you are thinking of them and looking forward to spending a lovely evening with them at the end of the day..
- At the end of your working day, embrace your freetime...
- Get to bed at your regular time
- Tell yourself often how well you are doing and that this new way of living will eventually pass.. who knows you might come to love it.
- Affirm each night "i am healthy", "i embrace change", "i am productive"
Ready to make changes in your life? Create a better community? Time to yourself? Take better care of your health,reduce stress, achieve a balance in your work and personal life? You're not alone! So how do you shape up your life and overcome the obstacles that get in the way of living the life that you love and being the best you can be!! Why not Create time for your life by following our Tips From A Life Coach!
Create Time For Your Life
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Monday, 23 March 2020
30 Tips for Working from Home
Monday, 10 February 2020
Raise your Success Vibration
Would youlike to become just a teeny bit or even a lot more successful?
Yes? But do you sometimes feel like no matter what you do, you’re stuck in one place, unable to get to that next level.
Somtimes, If we're not careful, we can let our fears take over and prevent us from taking the steps necessary to move into the life we desire.
You see, even though the fear of success is quite common, it's also hard to identify because it's an unconscious behavior. So we may not even realize that something has been there, behind the scenes, holding us back from achieving greatness.
Now if this sounds like it might be you, here's a simple guide to some of the biggest flags to help you identify if fear is holding you back and how you can overcome it, so you can move into a life of freedom and success...
Flag 1 - You feel guilty about your success.
No matter how big or small, you feel guilty because your friends, family or co-workers haven't had the same success.
Flag 2 - You don't tell other people about your accomplishments.
You think they're too small to be acknowledged, so you think 'nobody will care'.
Flag 3 - You procrastinate.
Or what's worse, you avoid big projects or opportunities that could lead to your recognition or success.
Flag 4 - You self-sabotage your dreams and goals.
You've convinced yourself that you're not good enough to achieve what you want in life. You unconsciously believe that you're not worthy of success.
Flag 5 - You believe that if you reach success you won't be able to maintain it.
Then, if you fail you'll end up in a worse place than where you started. So you think, 'why bother'?
Now, if you've identified having any (or even all) of these red flags in your life, don't panic! There are many strategies that you can use to overcome your fear of success...
How To Overcome Your Fear of Success:
If you'd like to overcome your fear of success, I'd recommend you start facing them little by little. Just take one tiny step toward your goal each day.
I'm not saying it will be easy, but the more you bring them to the surface and the more you analyze them rationally, the more you'll diminish their power and the faster you'll achieve your dreams.
Take a realistic look at what is likely to happen if you reach your goals, rather than looking at what you hope or fear will happen.
Another useful technique is to address your fears directly and then develop a backup plan. Let's say that you're afraid to get a promotion at your current job because in reality you fear that you'll not have enough time to spend with your loved ones.
Well, your back-up plan should start by assessing your workload and setting a set of rules where you'll always be home by a certain time.
So as you can see, this technique just requires some planning ahead and being assertive with your choices.
Always remember that success is a journey, not a destination. So don't forget to live your life with passion and enjoy it every step of the way. :)