Create Time For Your Life

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Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Sunday, 27 February 2011

Track your happiness levels for free!!!! Read blog below....

If you want to see where you are most relaxed, happy and content...try out the new Mappiness App!  It's part of a new research project at The London School of Economics.  They will beep you randomly a few times a day and ask how you are feeling, who you are with and what you are doing..The data gets sent back - anonymously and securely to their data store,  Sometimes they will even ask you to take a photo if you are outside.!  They use it to investigate how people's happiness is affected by their environment.  The fun bit is that if you respond for a decent amount of time.. i.e. a few weeks... you build up your own personal stats and should be able to find out...who , what , and where most relaxes or stresses you out! The WHY may need to be addressed by a life coach!!!

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