Create Time For Your Life

Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....


Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Tuesday, 22 November 2011

A Mere 79 Reasons to have a go at Meditating!!

Are you one of these people who turns their nose up at the thought of either think it s for a different "type of person" from you, or even if you were so inclined, you think you have no time available!! through the list from I Motivation below and just see what benefits you are missing!!

  1. Lowers oxygen consumption. 
  2. Decreases respiratory rate.                                                 
  3. Increases blood flow and slows the heart rate. 
  4. Increases exercise tolerance.  
  5. Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.  
  6. Good for people with high blood pressure. 
  7. Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate. 
  8. Decreases muscle tension 
  9. Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc. 
  10. Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms. 
  11. Helps in post-operative healing. 
  12. Enhances the immune system. 
  13. Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress 
  14. Enhances energy, strength and vigour. 
  15. Helps with weight loss 
  16. Reduction of free radicals, less tissue damage 
  17. Higher skin resistance 
  18. Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease. 
  19. Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing. 
  20. Decreases the aging process. 
  21. Higher levels of DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 
  22. Prevented, slowed or controlled pain of chronic diseases 
  23. Makes you sweat less 
  24. Cures headaches & migraines 
  25. Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning 
  26. Reduced Need for Medical Care 
  27. Less energy wasted 
  28. More inclined to sports, activities 
  29. Significant relief from asthma 
  30. improved performance in athletic events 
  31. Normalises to your ideal weight 
  32. harmonises our endocrine system 
  33. relaxes our nervous system 
  34. produce lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity 
  35. Cure infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with the release of hormones that regulate ovulation).  
  36. Builds self-confidence. 
  37. Increases serotonin level, influences mood and behaviour. 
  38. Resolves phobias & fears 
  39. Helps control own thoughts 
  40. Helps with focus & concentration  
  41. Increase creativity 
  42. Increased brain wave coherence.  
  43. Improved learning ability and memory. 
  44. Increased feelings of vitality and rejuvenation.  
  45. Increased emotional stability.  
  46. improved relationships  
  47. Mind ages at slower rate  
  48. Easier to remove bad habits  
  49. Develops intuition  
  50. Increased Productivity  
  51. Improved relations at home & at work  
  52. Able to see the larger picture in a given situation  
  53. Helps ignore petty issues  
  54. Increased ability to solve complex problems  
  55. Purifies your character 
  56. Develop will power  
  57. greater communication between the two brain hemispheres  
  58. react more quickly and more effectively to a stressful event.  
  59. increases one’s perceptual ability and motor performance  
  60. higher intelligence growth rate  
  61. Increased job satisfaction  
  62. increase in the capacity for intimate contact with loved ones  
  63. decrease in potential mental illness  
  64. Better, more sociable behaviour  
  65. Less aggressiveness  
  66. Helps in quitting smoking, alcohol addiction  
  67. Reduces need and dependency on drugs, pills & pharmaceuticals  
  68. Need less sleep to recover from sleep deprivation  
  69. Require less time to fall asleep, helps cure insomnia  
  70. Increases sense of responsibility  
  71. Reduces road rage  
  72. Decrease in restless thinking  
  73. Decreased tendency to worry  
  74. Increases listening skills and empathy  
  75. Helps make more accurate judgements  
  76. Greater tolerance  
  77. Gives composure to act in considered & constructive ways 78- Grows a stable, more balanced personality 
  78. Develops emotional maturity

Soooo.....What are you waiting for...isnt it worth giving it a try.....
On the other hand could just add the above 79 items to your TO DO List!!!

DO Let me know if  you find something else that can help with ALL of the above in just ten minutes a day!!!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Create Time For Your LIFE PLAN!


Have you written a business plan before? Perhaps-you've written a travel itinerary? Or perhaps you have planned a big event in your life like a 21st birthday party or a wedding? Maybe you think just keeping a diary is all you need to plan your time! 

Well may I suggest that as well as the above.... We all need a Create Time For Our Life-Plan!! 

... If you want to create the kind of life that surpasses your craziest expectations then creating a life plan is the only way to success!! 

Get to know yourself 

Make a point of finding out your strengths and weaknesses, your core values and your beliefs...

What is your vision?

You've got to plan the route you're going to take or you may just find yourself going round in a big circle back to square one! 

Soooo...... Create Time For Your Life and think about what inspires you...about how you can help the it designing something, mentoring people or using your marketing skills to help businesses... lets face it...every kind of career actually helps someone somewhere at some point down the line.... 

Create an empowering vision statement..This vision is the very heart of what you want to accomplish.. Where do you see yourself in six months, six years or even 16 years? Be brave and bold!!! Make a decision on how you want your life to map out! 

Is Your Cup Half Full or Half Empty? 

Do you see obstacles as huge problems to getting what you want or are you able to view them as challenges that you can enjoy overcoming? Make a promise to develop an optimistic mentality that everything has a solution! 

As you are creating your Life Plan, make sure you acknowledge that there will be challenges along the way and commit to facing them with good humour, good faith and nerves of steel!! 

Set Your Targets 

 Just like in a business plan ,you have to set targets. In order to achieve the things you want from life, you need daily, weekly and monthly targets...  But unlike in business, these targets should cover all aspects of your life.....your mind...your body and your soul

When you are Creating Time For Your Life-Plan , do so with confidence and passion but keep in mind that you are aiming to keep a balance in your life.. Try to avoid letting any one area consume you! Remember that in order to perform at your very best, you need to take time for rest and rejuvenation.... 

Therefore...when you write your goals, not only focus on what you will do to pursue your passions and your visions but think about how you will tend to your health, both physical and mental


 In order to Create Time For Your Purpose-Driven Vision of Your Life.....,acknowledge that this can’t be done alone.  You need to reach out to the the world around you.  Leaders have the ability to inspire great things from those around them and part of a good life plan will include who you want to spend your time with and how you will inspire them.   For each element of your plan, you will need to attract a certain person, or group of people; They will help you take your vision to the next level. 


 A great life plan, just like a great business plan, will have built-in evaluation processes.  How will you know if you are on the right track to fulfilling your vision, if you don’t take time to stop and reflect on what you have accomplished? 

 Celebrate the successes along the way and make sure that you are always keeping on track to your ultimate plan! 

 Create Time For Your Life now and use these tools to create a plan for your life. Only when it is written out will you be on your way to creating life the way you always dreamed of!!!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Great Video on Procrastination.....

We all procrastinate!!

Love this trailer for a new book ....think it puts it so simply ...dont need to add anytihng else... enjoy!!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Have You Forgotten How Wise You Were as a Baby?

A friend has just had a baby daughter....another has one on the way...Visiting the new born last week with my own grown up daughter....It made me think again about the whole baby experience once more!!  
Don t you agree we can all learn from little babies.....when a new baby comes into your life...whether it s your own, or the child of  a relative or a friend....there is no doubt that it tugs at the strings of  our emotions and feelings...However , if we look at babies objectively, I think you will see that babies can also be a source of great inspiration..  Actually....they can be a great source of motivation  to us if we watch them carefully.
Soooo... what observations did I make?
Just look at the care free activities of a baby.  A baby gets right into its own little world of happiness.  That s because they are so full of innocence!!  Adults on the other hand overload themselves with knowledge and information......
Do you think it s possible to switch off the antenna for a while and just experience happiness in innocent ways....
Thirst for Knowledge
Babies are fascinated by everything....they are desperate to understand how things work and explore their small world around them.  They can interpret lip movements, learn languages and understand mannerisms...all this at weeks old...
Don't you agree that we as adults could do with digging up some of that natural curiosity...let s face it...we still have all the necessary tools within ourselves to learn more about our learn new languages and to learn new skills.
Live life in the Now!
A baby doesn't worry about  yesterday or plan for tomorrow..  So why when we grow up do we get caught up in our past and worry about our future? 

Soo....Make the most of today!!
Try, Try and Try Again!!
A young baby will try to crawl..However, when it fails the first time, does it give up and get back in the pram?  No! It keeps going until it succeeds.The same with learning to stand and finally learning to walk.  They might cry for help but they keep on going...and oh the sense of achievement you can see in their eyes when they finally succeed!!
So no more running away from challenges! No more looking for  the easy option all the time!  Get inspired and realize your goals by try, try and trying again!!.
Forgive and Forget
A baby never harbors any resentment...If you show them impatience due to lack of sleep...Do they turn their back on you and not communicate for a few days? No!  The next time you are feeding them at four in the morning they are smiling at you full of love and adoration!!
Get back that great baby love!!  Have an open heart.  Consciously ignore minor mistakes of others and give them a chance to correct and excel!!  Wouldn't you agree that when we help others grow, we grow even more? 
Have Trust!
Babies are 100% trusting...They are  fearless; they know that you are always there for them.. When you throw them up in the air for play, they laugh instead of crying. 
So.....if you trust someone, make it 100%. No half way measures!! Complete trust creates wonderful and long lasting relationships. 
 Where s that belly laugh gone?
Get inspiration from babies from the way they laugh when they  feel great. They laugh from  their heart.
 Soooo.......Look for the funny side in everything....and laugh and relieve stress!
 Unconditional love 
A baby loves its parents unconditionally.........
Sooo... when that little baby reaches its teenage years....... remind yourself of the example it set you and follow its lead!!