Don´t you agree that our emotions be they subtle or volatile and how we handle them are completely different from one another...?
You see, we all feel our feelings differently. For instance, my mum and I are very different emotionally.
We have spent a long time getting to the point where I think we actually understand one another! She’s always been the calm, quiet one, and I’ve often confused her with my big emotional extremes and theatrical moods.
No surprise that we are two completely different emotional types!
However learning to acknowledge and appreciate our differences is something that can be challenging for both mothers and daughters. Even sisters with sisters and girlfriends with girlfriends!!
Wench of the Waterway?
Maid of the Mist?
Maid of the Mist?
Lady of the Loch?
Mermaid of the Sea...
We are all different emotional beings!!...
Sooo...Which one do you think relates best to you?
Wenches of the Waterways...
These girls are emotion in motion.
There is a subtle and constant stream of emotion that flows like a stream from one feeling to the next, often seamlessly.
They are remarkably even-tempered, with a great sense of fun.
If they learn to push their emotions into positive outlets, everything they touch takes on a certain shine.

For example, a wench of the the waterway might know that romantic films always make her cry. She knows to never leave the house for the cinema without a purse full of tissue.
Waterway Wenches laugh easily, and have great senses of humor, knowing innately how to cheer others and make them smile, just as brooks provide nourishment and sanctuary for all kinds of life.
Maids of the Mist..
Like the mist that comes and then departs, Maids of the Mist have feelings that come from out of nowhere, and then dissolve and vanish back into the mystery.
A Maid of the Mist can experience sudden emotional outbursts when logically she can’t make sense of why or where the feeling is coming from.
For instance, you could be in the middle of a conversation when suddenly out of nowhere a Maid of the Mists` eyes will be full of tears and you will be very surprised by the suddenness and intensity of her feelings.Then just as quickly the mist will evaporate, the sun will come out and she will be laughing and carrying on again.
It’s very important that Maids of the Mist do not judge themselves just because the emotion is so sudden.
Mist can refresh and renew and restore, especially in the mornings and then it can depart to make way for the sunshine. Maids of the Mist can also tend to brood, like storm clouds on the horizon.
Maids of the Mist are often moved by the emotional victories and stories of other people. They will cry or laugh for someone else’s win or loss, even total strangers, just as quickly as for themselves.
Ladies of the Loch...
Still waters run deep. Ladies of the Loch very rarely show their emotions on the surface.
They feel so deeply and so privately, that their emotions usually remain contained.
They are often referred to as calm or meditative individuals.
They express their feelings with a simple warm smile, or a silence that indicates their sorrow.
They are most comfortable showing their feelings when they are alone, or with someone they know intimately.
They are not ladies who repress their feelings, but ladies who reveal very little of what they feel on the surface.

They also make great team players, and excel at sports that require significant concentration.
Ladies of the Loch also pick up the feelings of others and mirror them, or take them on as their own. This is the same way a loch mirrors a flock of birds flying overhead.
They are very impressionable. Ladies of the Loch have to learn to build protective boundaries around themselves so they don`t absorb the emotions of others.
Mermaids of the Sea...
The sea is a vast and deep body of water, always changing color and mood.
This is the most complex and rich emotional temperament and also the most challenging.
Where a Wench of the Waterway or a Maid of the Mist might have one feeling at a time…
…Mermaids of the Sea can feel ten ways at once, with many layers of emotions spreading in all directions.
There is a lot to sort through for Mermaids of the Sea.
They often feel overwhelmed. They are much like the sea. Every day is different.
Some days are calm and peaceful. Other days are crazy and wild. A Mermaid of the Sea can wake up in the morning from a night of dreams, and her whole day will carry the emotions from her sleep.
Because their emotions can be so vast and unidentifiable, Mermaids of the Sea need music and dance and creativity to help them find and feel their feelings fully.
Talking with close friends also helps to ground the shape-shifting Mermaids of the Sea and help her identify what she feels.
Mermaids who become actors can lose themselves in their characters, completely embodying the role without a trace.
They have access to a great reservoir of feeling that informs their lives.
Soooo....Which Type are You?
I’m a Mermaid of the Sea, and my mum is a Lady of the Loch. Once we got to know how differently we process our feelings, our communication got a lot better.
Soooo...Which type are you?
Take time to enjoy thinking about this fascinating insight about yourself.
Take the steps to stop questioning the natural you, and Create Time For Your Life by celebrating all the beautiful ways you live and feel in the world..
Don´t forget that you’re perfect the way you are, no matter what emotional type you are!!
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