Ask yourself the following questions...
Answer the questions in a written format. This will help you to get clarity on where you want to go...

Why do you want to start your own business? List ALL the reasons...
Is your business going to be something you really enjoy...Why?
How does this business fit into your Life Purpose
Do you know what your Life Purpose Is?
Do you have the skills and talent to do this well? What are they?
Have you spoken to successful entrepreneurs to find out if you do have the skills necessary?
Who could you interview to find out what they have learned and what they would do differently?
Can you shadow someone who is already doing what you want to do? Make a list of possibilities..
If you want to open a franchise....could you get a job in one that s already up and running first of all?
Have you worked out what your Unique Selling Proposition is? e.g. Why would customers or clients want to come to you rather than your competition?
Is there competition? ...If not...why not?
Have you written a business plan? How will you do this?
What have you researched re keeping up a healthy Cash Flow?
Have you identified your Target Market?
How old are they?
Are they employed/self-employed or unemployed?
What is their income?
What are their hobbies?
Where do they live?
Where do they shop?
What are their interests?
How are you going to Market yourself and your business?
Have you made a list of different keywords/phrases from your competitors so that you show up first on Wikipedia/Amazon and Google?
Have you thought about a Business Partner? A hands on one or a silent one?

Are you a procrastinator or do you persevere? Show yourself evidence of this!
How are your Time Management skills?
Have you given thought to the customer service and support you will be providing?
Do you have the courage to follow this through? How do you support your answer?
If you can answer all of the above confidently then you are on your way to starting up a successful business....
Or....if you are hesitating, Create Time For Your Life today and treat yourself (and your future business) ....
"You don`t have to be successful to start....but you have to start to be successful!"
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