About five years ago i kept telling a story about a particularly stressful event in my life. The story about this event -the version i kept choosing to tell -- was very negative.
I didn't realise I had "embedded"myself in this particular page !
Over time i finally decided , "I’m going to stop telling this version of the story. I’m going to tell these events as a new story." It wasn’t that the events hadn’t happened, it was just that i had finally come to realise the lesson learned from them and wanted to share the story from a taller branch.

What a difference it made to my life and my outlook on things.
So today, I invite you to identify any story you’ve been telling about your life about limitation, lack, or indeed holding back --of a recurring negative story of how things don’t work out for you, that keeps you limited or struggling. I think every one of us has something like that in our history..
What if you just decide that that version is no longer your current story? That’s the story of your past.
Create Time For Your Life today and re-frame that old story as a new story about how you received a wonderful lesson from life.
So what was the gift inside that particular struggle? What new story will you tell to share that gift?
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