Can you recall times in your life where your motivation has peaked and troughed? Times when you felt a high level of motivation, when nothing could stop you from pursuing a goal or staying committed to a cause that was important to You? However by contrast can you remember too often the times when your motivation waned, your resolve felt weak, and you couldn’t seem to focus on a goal you said you really wanted.
So why is it that we can sometimes take a goal to its end, and other times it loses its flame?
The secret is to understand your own internal personal motivators, and how they tie to the goals you set. Plus there are certain "truths" about how motivation works and why it subsides. And most important of all it is understanding that within these truths there is a process for reestablishing your sense of motivation that you can use anytime to reignite the flame of a goal.
If you would like to learn more about what really motivates you then contact Viv Black at:
A complementary 30 minute Skype Coaching Session will kickstart you and relight your fire...
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