Create Time For Your Life

Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....


Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Thursday, 21 May 2015

You Need to Make this Promise to Yourself

                         My Promise

"I promise to…

Dream big.

Embrace growth, learning and change.

Look for the best in myself – and look for the best in others.

Allow my passion to fuel my life.

Stay true to who I am while becoming the best I can be.

Create healthy boundaries that lift me higher so I can serve better.

Grow a heart-centered career or business that rocks!

Say “Thank you” for all the love, beauty and joy in my life. Every. Single. Day.

Play, dance and sing every chance I get.

Honor myself and those whose lives I encounter by taking action toward my goals and dreams."

Why not write this promise on a sticky note and tape it to your computer or your whiteboard. Or keep it in your notes on your phone!

Create a poster or write it on a postcard and send it to yourself.

This way you will create the life that you desire😀

Remember...your thoughts create your future...

Vivien Black

Leave the past in the past!

Do you realise that most of us don't leave the past in the past. We take the past ino the future and when we do that it looks like the past makes us who we are and gives us our life in the present - kind of like two filing cabinets. 

One file cabinet says the "past" and the 
other one says the "future" but we've got

the stuff that should be in the past filing cabinet stored in the future filing cabinet!

However If we just take the past stuff out of the future and put it into the past (and there's a way to do that) what will we have in the future one?


- Which is perfect  because if who we are in the present, is given by the future into 
which We live, then we are able to create a future for ourselves that will give us us contentment in the present. ....
A future that has happiness, contentment, vitality, and self-expression 

Create Time For Your Life today!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Five Books that just might change your life!

Five Books that just might change your life!

There are tons of books out there that can give you courage, inspiration and great insights…

But there are others that go beyond words and create a profound impact on your life, ultimately changing a part of you and transforming the way you see the world. 

Here are the top 5 books that have changed my life (and could change yours too!):

1 - Conversations With God 

This amazing book by Neale Donald Walsch helped bring spirituality into my life. Who would’ve thought a book could do that? Atheist or agnostic this book is still a lovely read.....

2 - Think & Grow Rich 

This book by Napoleon Hill is very close to my heart as it was my first personal development book. I read it again recently and it’s as good as it was the first time. 

3 - The Way of The Peaceful Warrior 

This best-seller by Dan Millman taught me how to use my mind with my body, to create what I wanted in life. Profound wisdom in a nutshell!

4 - Magic of Thinking Big 

Many people say this book by David J. Schwartz contains the secret to success. For me, it really helped take my entrepreneurial skills to a whole new level!

5 - What I Know For Sure 

This book by Oprah Winfrey made me realize that she’s just like us, and that We all have the same power to achieve big things, just like she did. 

So there you have it!

And if you decide to give any of these books a read, I promise… you won’t regret it :)

Create a great day!
