Create Time For Your Life

Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....


Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Saturday, 3 November 2012

 Frightened of Creating Change? Try this Exercise!!

Think about something you would like to do but have been too frightened of to make the first move.. Go on...start thinking now!!  Get yourself a piece of paper and a pencil or pop up a blank page from your word processor!

Ok....Have you thought of something?

Ask yourself this...What is it that I am thinking about when I start visualizing myself going through or “working through” the thing that I am scared of?

Here is an example:  You want to leave a safe, secure job in order to start your own business.  (you can obviously substitute your own situation!) maybe you want
to split from your girlfriend, or have a big operation..Perhaps you want to move to a different country?

This is what to do!!  .....Ask yourself this question over and over:
 "What would happen if...THAT happened?" until you get to the bottom of what you're truly afraid of.

This is the point of this exercise--to get to the bottom of what you're really afraid of. You see, the chances are, that what you think you're afraid of isn't actually what you're afraid of.

Q: What would happen if I left my job and started out on my own?
A: I'd stop receiving my regular salary and probably get into debt
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: I may not be able to afford to pay my bills.
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: I would have to ask for financial help from family and friends.
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: I'd feel like a failure.
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: I would feel down for a while, my self esteem would be low!
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: I'd eventually pull myself back up
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: I'd look for other opportunities. Maybe my new company would bring in income.
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: I'd have to get work hard and and step out of my comfort zone.
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: My life would change.
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: Well...My life would change.
Q: And what would happen if that happened?
A: Well I guess that `s actually what I want to happen..  I want to change my life....and life is changing all the time.

Now....when you've gone down as far as you can and you can no longer think of "what would happen if...?" 
This means you have reached the thing you are genuinely afraid of!
So...... are you really afraid of your true fear?
Most of us are not afraid of our end fear, we're actually afraid of the process we have to go through to get there. 
In the instance of leaving your job, you may in actual fact just be afraid of the feelings you might get if your decision ends up making you feel like a failure and then forces you to work harder and to step out of your comfort zone.
You may find that when really looking at your situation, you find that you are not afraid of what's going to happen in the end. You're actually afraid of everything in between. soon as you decide that you can handle the process, you will succeed in getting rid of your anxiety, no matter what it is.
Perhaps you`ll come to the conclusion that the process you may have to go through is worth it, because there is the carrot of something more rewarding at the end of the road.

Give this exercise a go for all of the things that make you anxious.
And if you discover that you can handle the process it takes to get there
then you`ve cracked it!!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

How Assertive Are You Going to be Today?

Have You Ever Felt that There is More Waiting for You Out There?

For instance: 
More than you are destined to be?
More than you are supposed to be doing?
More people you are supposed to reach?
More things you are supposed to be experiencing?

Well...Guess What?  You are RIGHT!!

No one has Your unique ability. 
No one has Your unique experiences.
No one has Your unique talents.
No one has your unique passion
No one has your unique compassion.
No one has your unique perspective 
No one takes your unique approach.

Do you realise that you were Created with your unique Purpose? That the world is actually waiting for YOU!!   It`s waiting for you to take Action!!

There are steps that you can take right now that will change your life and help you get unstuck in whatever area you want to move forward with..
So..... why not take the first step today?: 
Take the decision that it `s time for you to Create Time For Your Life and take your Personal Life and Career to the next level!
Be more successful (as you define success!)
Gain more fulfilment at home and at work!
Find more balance in life!
Feel more content than you ever imagined!...
Get motivated to start or rejuvenate your business!

Why not Sign up today for a complimentary one on one coaching session and discover the benefits of having your own personal coach! If you don`t`ll just never know what you are capable of! 

Being Assertive is defined as being direct in claiming ones right or putting forward ones views..When you are assertive, you establish what it is that you are assured you are called to and you are firm about going after what is yours...
Being assertive is established when you are confident in your conviction,belief, or understanding about a thing.  You know what you have a right to and you understand your right to express whatever needs to be conveyed at the appointed time because you have your facts in place and you know the guidelines accordingly!

The primary people in my life that i need to become more assertive with
are.......... (fill in the blanks)
Think about this today ....think of all the people you need to assert 
yourself with....however the first person at the top of that list should


Take ACTION now and check out
and LIKE my facebook page on

Create Time For Your Life and Assert yourself to be the BEST YOU CAN BE!!


Sunday, 9 September 2012

Compete with Yourself!

Do you find yourself competing with people all the time?

Perhaps you want to be smarter than your siblings, run faster than your team mates,
jump higher than your colleagues,  sing louder than the person beside you...

Maybe you want to be thinner than your friend....prettier than her...funnier....
Or is it money or love you are competing in the search for?
However...have you ever thought "what would happen if I just focused on
competing with myself?"


Well .. By setting yourself personal marks and outdoing yourself day by day
you will undoublty get better at whatever it is you set out to 

Sooo.. Create Time For Your Competitive Nature today and compete with the only Person it really matters to beat and improve on on a daily basis... YOURSELF!!!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

20 Quick and to the Point Tips for Business (and personal) Success

  1. LISTEN to others, but TRUST yourself.Don’t wait for perfection. Learn as much as you can, then let go and DO!
  2. Stay focused on your GOALS! If you’re going to get distracted, make sure it is a) a conscious choice and b) financially worthwhile!
  3. It takes LONGER than you think. Have PATIENCE!
  4. Always keep an OPEN mind. There are shortcuts and opportunities that mean great things happen in a flash!
  5. Plan, then REVIEW and adjust the plan often. Life happens – and the only constant is change. So make sure you update your goals and tasks to reflect reality – this way you adjust quicker.
  6. Learn how YOU work best. What times of day are you most and least productive? Set your own guidelines and timetable. AND create your own way of managing your tasks and projects. Keep honing and improving until you get to a way of working that works for you!
  7. Look for the EASY way. Don’t make things harder than they need to be. Especially when feeling overwhelmed, ask “What’s the EASY way to do this?”
  8. ASK for help.
  9. Don’t be afraid to PAY for help. And if they’re not working, find someone else.
  10. Be a GOOD BOSS to yourself. It’s all too easy to take advantage of our own fears and good nature – after all who knows us better than ourselves? You can always ask, “If I was a great boss, what would I say to myself now?”
  11. Have FUN! If you’re not enjoying yourself it will be a hard slog! And that will leave you tired and grumpy, which means you’ll find the next day harder and so on…
  12. Remember that YOU come first! When asked to do something for someone else, always assess it against your own priorities before saying yes
  13. LET IT BE. Sometimes if you leave something for long enough – it disappears on its own. (Don’t do this with anything important though!)
  14. Sometimes you need to STOP to move forwards. Feeling stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed? PAUSE and BREATHE. Or take 5-30 minutes and stroll outside or read a book. Take a break, recharge your batteries and you’ll be raring to go again in no time.
  15. MANAGE your interruptions. Just because you get interrupted doesn’t mean it’s important. It might be urgent – but for whom? What happens to YOUR priorities if you respond? Do you need to respond now? Can someone else deal with this?
  16. Choose your own RULES. The fabulous thing is if you work for yourself YOU get to decide. Actually think about what’s important to you and work accordingly. Question anything that makes you unhappy – you may need a rule reset!
  17. Remember that YOU are a role model. Whether it’s your clients or your kids, how you run your life and business signals not only how important THEY are to you, but how important you think YOU are. We teach people how to treat us, but as a role model, we also teach our clients and children how to treat themselves too!
  18. Learn to say NO. Without guilt. To yourself AND to others.
  19. When you KNOW what you need to do, don’t wait, DECIDE. Action can always come later, but without the deciding part you’re wasting time, energy, it gets harder and you risk missing out. NB. You may need time to build strength first and this is fine. But that doesn’t stop you DECIDING

Sooooo..... these are the main lessons I have taken on board so far from running my own coaching business. What do you think? What are the life lessons that you’ve learned from your business? Would you like some guidance and motivation? Contact me at and join us on Facebook at:

Thursday, 12 July 2012

14 Simple Questions to help you solve a Problem!!

1. What do you NOT want me to ask you? 2. Imagine for a moment that your issue is resolved. How did you get there? 3. So, what do you think you’re SECRETLY afraid of, that’s getting in the way of You taking action? 4. What are you ready to change? 5. What are you NOT ready to change YET? 6. What haven’t you admitted out loud yet? 7. What’s the problem in a nutshell? 8. Now, what’s the problem in one sentence? 9. And what’s the problem in one word? 10. What’s the EASY way forward here? 11. How important is this to you REALLY? 12. What would YOU suggest I ask you to move this forwards? 13. Name someone successful that you admire. What would ________ do if they were in your position?  14. Sooo.. What's the first step you are going take right now to resolve this?

Monday, 2 July 2012

Create A New Menu for Your Life

Create a Menu for your Life....
Fill it with tasty dishes that make you feel good..
Dishes that inspire you, that motivate you and
that keep you fit, healthy and trim...
Not just in your body but in your mind too...

Erase those dishes that you used to eat..
The ones that no longer serve you well...
Create Recipes that feed your Mind, Body and Soul
And remember...
Only invite uplifting..inspiring...caring guests
To join you at this table called LIFE!

                                                            MENU Suggestions:

                        Alternate these different Mind Recipes Daily for a good Healthy Diet!!

Create A fulfilling Life

Create Your Dreams

Create the Law of Attraction in Your Life

Create Dedication For Your Life

Create Opportunity For Your Life

Create Excitement For Your Life

Create Time to Expand Your Comfort Zone

Soooo....What you waiting for?

Pin your new Diet on Your Fridge and Create Time For Your Life Today......

If you Have Trouble Sticking to your diet...checkout

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Are You Stressed? Top 20 Stress Busters!


                              Do you wish someone could help you manage your stress?


                                                                      Well....I can!

                                                                       email me at:


                                                     Or LIKE my page on Facebook:

                              And I will send you my TOP 20 STRESS BUSTERS 

                                                           (with my compliments)

Monday, 28 May 2012

What is One of the Most Powerful Tools You Posses?

I hope that these tips are helping you Create more and more positive Times For Your Life. I hope you are coming to realise how strong you really are and how you can visualise and think anything that you wish for, into your life.
Did you know that one of the most powerful tools that you have to create some of  outcomes you desire, is your own natural ability to imagine? Everyone has this ability. Some have practiced with this tool since they were children, while others were brought up being told that it was not healthy to have a vivid imagination. 
We all have this ability within us to imagine the Time we would like to Create For our Life in the future.
When we imagine, we are actually connecting with .our subconscious.. Our imagination is not bound by time, space, or our physical environment. When we are imagining, we do it with a sense of happiness and excitement. This relaxes us and makes us even more magnetic to what we desire.
However, please be aware that we can also use our imagination to create fear or things that we don’t want. Be aware that we are always imagining. The question is, where are you spending your time? When you catch yourself imagining a future that you do not want, stop and start thinking about what you do want!!
Sooo....try this:
  1. Sit quietly just for a few moments and pretend you are living the life that you really would like...being the person you would really like to be! The subconscious does not know the difference between pretending and what is actually happening. It accepts whatever you pretend as real and will create it in your reality.
  2. Try and draw your goal to you! Just pretend you know how to do this, and you will soon see your goals manifesting. Try and really feel your goal, and you will soon be experiencing it! 
  3. Go on what are you waiting for.....give it a try!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Should You start Your own Business? Take the quiz..

Are you keen to start your own business and become an entrepreneur but not sure where to begin?
Ask yourself the following questions...

Answer the questions in a written format. This will help you to get clarity on where you want to go...

Do you know what you want the end result to be? What is your DREAM?
Why do you want to start your own business? List ALL the reasons...
Is your business going to be something you really enjoy...Why?
How does this business fit into your Life Purpose
Do you know what your Life Purpose Is?

Do you have the skills and talent to do this well?  What are they?
Have you spoken to successful entrepreneurs to find out if you do have the skills necessary?
Who could you interview to find out what they have learned and what they would do differently?
Can you shadow someone who is already doing what you want to do?  Make a list of possibilities..
If you want to open a franchise....could you get a job in one that s already up and running first of all?
Have you worked out what your Unique Selling Proposition is? e.g. Why would customers or clients want to come to you rather than your competition?
Is there competition? ...If not...why not?
Have you written a business plan?  How will you do this?
What have you researched re keeping up a healthy Cash Flow?

Have you identified your Target Market?
How old are they?
Are they employed/self-employed or unemployed?
What is their income?
What are their hobbies?
Where do they live?
Where do they shop?
What are their interests?

How are you going to Market yourself and your business?
Have you made a list of different keywords/phrases from your competitors so that you show up first on Wikipedia/Amazon and Google?

Have you thought about a Business Partner? A hands on one or a silent one?
Are You an Optimist or a Realist? Which do you think is more suited to running their own business?
Are you a procrastinator or do you persevere? Show yourself evidence of this!
How are your Time Management skills?
Have you given thought to the customer service and support you will be providing?
Do you have the courage to follow this through? How do you support your answer?

If you can answer all of the above confidently then you are on your way to starting up a successful business....

Or....if you are hesitating, Create Time For Your Life today and treat yourself (and your future business) ....

"You don`t have to be successful to start....but you have to start to be successful!"

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

How Satisfied are You with Your Life..Try this quiz..

1. If you were to give a SCORE out of 10 for how SATISFIED you are with your life overall?
_____  / 10

2. If you were to give a SCORE out of 10 for how much FUN you are having in life?
_____  / 10

3. If you were to give a SCORE out of 10 for how HAPPY you are in your current CAREER?
_____  / 10

4. If you were to give a SCORE out of 10 for how overwhelmed, BUSY or cluttered you currently feel? 
_____  / 10
5. I like myself:
6. What is your FAVORITE thing in your life at the moment? (like best)

7. What could be IMPROVED in your life at the moment? (like least)

8. I am looking: (please tick all that apply)
  For More Meaning/Purpose in Life
  For More Fulfillment/Happiness in Life
  For More Ease/Simplicity or Balance in Life
  For More Freedom and/or Inner Peace in Life
  To Change or Move Forwards in my Career
  To Achieve my Goals Faster/More Easily
  To Learn to Trust Myself More/Be My Authentic Self
  Other (If there was something you haven’t mentioned yet, what would it be?) _________________________________
9. I am ready to take ACTION and make changes in my environment, habits and life 
Maybe   /   Yes   /   No   (please circle)

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Have You Really Got a Crystal Ball...Or Are You Just Making Assumptions?

If you came to me  feeling down on yourself because you`ve been rejected without a full it from a job application, promotion, a relationship, coffee with a friend...the part in the school play, the football team, I `d probably surprise you with this question... “Well, are you psychic?” Because unless you have a crystal  ball, there`s no way you will know the REAL reason you were rejected.

Don`t you agree that we all like to mind-read?; “they think I’m unattractive, annoying, a loser, they don’t like me because I’m too THIS or I’m not enough THAT.” But one thing is common – these are all ASSUMPTIONS. And when it comes to rejection, we usually make assumptions that make us feel worse.
Of course there are ALL sorts of reasons we get rejected or turned down. Maybe we were rejected because someone was tired and wanted to stay home. Or they’re stressed and can’t give us the benefit of the doubt today. Maybe they’re jaded and find our enthusiasm a painful reminder of how they used to be. Maybe they feel threatened by us and prefer the company of someone less challenging for them. Maybe they DON’T find us attractive. Maybe they’re incapable of reading between the lines and/or giving us the job based on our capacity to learn rather than our experience. But whatever it is, it’s all about the OTHER person, what they think and feel. The rejection is never about us.

Remember that time you didn’t hear back from someone, and you thought they didn’t like you or that you’d upset them? Then remember how it turned out they were away, had some family crisis, lost your number or never got your email because their computer crashed?

Sooooo.....when you notice yourself making negative assumptions (also known as mind-reading) when it comes to WHY you were rejected, ask yourself “How do I KNOW that to be true? What PROOF do I have?  Am I Psychic?”
Then if you really INSIST on making assumptions, why not  find a REFRAME and make your assumptions POSITIVE. After all, if you’re going to make assumptions, why NOT make them to your advantage? How about... I got rejected because:

- I am too gorgeous, I am too much fun, I’m over-qualified, I am clearly too helpful for that organization!

Soooo.. Create Time For Your Life Today.....Become aware when you find yourself  making assumptions. Then, if you insist on making assumptions, why not have some fun with them and assume the best?

Friday, 13 April 2012

Fancy a new job?

How to Tune Your Mind To Your Success Frequency!!

Using creative visualisation isn’t exactly as easy as using your ipod – but it’s not rocket science either. There are lots of ways you can start, depending on what you like to do. Sooo...Why not Create Time for Your Life and Try the following...

  • If you think in lines, you could start with a timeline of events. Would you like a new job? Why not start by creating a private, quiet space to begin. Calm your mind, breathe deep, and if you can, get yourself into a relaxed state. Then let a story unfold in your mind.. Use as much detail as possible. 
  • .....In your story,maybe you’re in your favourite cafe, when you run into a friend who introduces you to someone looking for a new employee with exactly your skills … Keep going with this story, a little bit every day for about 10 days, until you find yourself sitting  (in your mind’s eye) at your new desk, then shopping with your new salary!
  • If you’re a visual person, you can start with some art supplies. Maybe you want to paint, draw or make a collage of the improvements you’re aiming for, then look at it every day before and after a quiet time of visualisation.
  • If you’re more of a word person, you may want to start with writing down or speaking your goals out loud before each visualisation period.
When you add creative visualization to your daily routine – even just 10 minutes – it’s like tuning into your own personal inspiration station. 
Sooo... Go on Try it – and let me know how you like tuning your mind to your success frequency!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Happy Foods = Happy You!!

A nutritious, balanced diet is the key to good health and longevity.. But did you know that some foods actually enhance mood and help maintain those all - important feel-good vibes?!! 

Soooo.....Eating for happiness - as well as your health - should be your primary goal!!

To obtain the sustenance you need, include the following foods in your diet...

1. Foods high in Omega 3..i.e. oily fish, nuts, flax seeds. Omega 3 has been scientifically proven to reduce depression and increase happiness. Try also to take a daily supplement too but dont over do it!!
2. Foods rich in tryptophan.. i.e. lobster, turkey, pineapple, tofu, bananas. Tryptophan is converted by the body into the feel-good chemical serotonin, which increases your well-being
3. Foods with plenty of amino-acids..i.e. chicken, turkey fish, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, milk, pulses, bananas, avocados wheat germ and legumes. These foods help maintain correct amino acid levels, essential in balancing your mood
4. Foods which raise vitamin B levels..i.e. spinach, peas, orange juice, wheat germ or avocado. Solid vitamin B levels help safeguard yourself against depression
5. Whole grains such as oats, quinoa or brown rice contain B vitamins to ensure the slow release of sugars needed to maintain well being
6. Carbohydrates, such as cereals, rice, pasta and starchy vegetables provide slow energy release to maintain a balanced metabolism
7. Regular “energy snacks” such as fruit, cereal, seeds and nuts help maintain energy levels and good mood throughout the day.

TIP : Instead of reading this and then popping it in the bin...why not print it out and stick it on your fridge and keep a copy as a basis for your shopping list!! 

Remember .....reading it might make you feel better for a few minutes but actually eating the food will do you far more good!!

For more motivational and Inspirational Tips follow us on facebook at or twitter @lifecoachtips