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Monday, 2 April 2012

Do You Have The Right Mindset for Success?

What Do You Think Is the Best Way to Increase Your Chances of Success?

Two people who are looking to achieve the same goal, can often be approaching it with entirely different "Mindsets"... A Mindset is the way we look out at the world and process information.

Did you know that we all have very different mindsets...ways of thinking about the goals we are pursuing and ways of looking at the world around us.. is a fact that we can change our Mindsets based on the way we choose to look at the world and there are some mindsets that are particularly useful in helping us reach our goals and be more successful!

Soooo.....Do You Have the "Be Great" Mindset or the "Getting Better" Mindset?

The "Be Great" Mindset is what you think about when you are trying "to prove yourself" are trying to prove to yourself or others that you have "ability"....that you are already "clever".. that you are already "creative" that you are already "talented" and that you have what it takes to succeed!!

However, in the "Getting Better" Mindset, you can be pursuing the same goals but you will think about a goal as an "opportunity" to improve your abilities..  Therefore you are thinking about it in terms not of "proving yourself" but in terms of "improving yourself"!! In other words in terms of getting better and making progress over a period of time..

For example...two people in the same job or in the same classroom can look like they are pursuing the same goal but one of them is really thinking about what they are doing in terms of proving they "are clever" and the other one is thinking in terms of "getting cleverer"..

The "Getting Better Mindset" is tremendously adaptive... because people who think about themselves in terms of improvement of "getting better over time"...find that they enjoy what they are doing more... they are far more  motivated and  they persist longer...

People with the "Be Great Mindset" are much less adaptable and deal with difficulties in a far less adaptive way..They are far more vulnerable when things get difficult because when you are trying to "Be Great" and things get difficult,  it s very easy for you to conclude that you are "not great"...that you dont have what it takes and that you lack ability..

Therefore, the "Be Great" Mindset can lead to a lot of Anxiety and a feeling of Helplessness... when things get challenging.. It can also undermine intrinsic motivation because when you are so focussed on getting validation from other people, it feels controlling and it undermines your interest and enjoyment in what you are doing.

However, if you take on the "Getting Better Mindset", you will find that you will steadily improve,  do better and find your goals enjoyable, rewarding and engaging...

Sooooo.... what Mindset Are You going to Create For Your Life?  Are you going to "Be Great" or are you going to be "Getting Better"?

The Choice is Yours!

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