Ready to make changes in your life? Create a better community? Time to yourself? Take better care of your health,reduce stress, achieve a balance in your work and personal life? You're not alone! So how do you shape up your life and overcome the obstacles that get in the way of living the life that you love and being the best you can be!! Why not Create time for your life by following our Tips From A Life Coach!
Create Time For Your Life
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Thursday, 26 December 2013
Have You Got a Mentor (or even a few)?
Saturday, 23 November 2013
I have a new gratitude statement for you today - and this
one is VERY powerful because it shifts your awareness
from awareness to prosperity...
Here you go...
Today I am grateful for opportunity!
Opportunity is EVERYWHERE. Even if you aren't tuned
into it right now, it is everywhere. The trick is to shift your
awareness and expect to see opportunity all around you.
Today, decide to see small and large opportunity in the world
around you. Discover it in your life and in the lives of others.
And when you do - CELEBRATE IT!
When you decide to see opportunity all around you - you
instantly shift from lack awareness to prosperity awareness
and you become a magnet for your desires...
So, remember your new gratitude statement...
"Today I am grateful for opportunity!"
You are Extraordinary!
You CAN create prosperity magnetizing intention statements fast.
And I'll show you the exact way to do it in this gift from me to you...
Click here now:
Saturday, 2 November 2013
How to Relight Your Motivational Fire
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Join me on a 21 Day Habit Challenge!
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Do you think you "Should" or do you know you "Can"?
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
8 Ways to Simplify Your Life...
Thursday, 22 August 2013
How to get more organised and focused..
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Who Says You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?
I bet your first thought as you saw the title of this blog was “I’ll read this later.”
Well let the urge to change to a new task pass you by and take a minute to read this right now. It’ll save you countless hours.
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
1.Identify the most important thing you have to do today.
2.Decide to do just the first little part of it — just the first minute, or even 30 seconds of it. Getting started is the only thing in the world that matters.
3.Clear away distractions. Turn everything off. Close all programs. There should just be you, and your task.
4.Sit there, and focus on getting started. Not doing the whole task, just starting.
5.Pay attention to your mind, as it starts to have urges to switch to another task. You will have urges to check email or Facebook or Twitter or your favorite website. You will want to play a game or make a call or do another task.
6.But don’t move. Notice the urges, but sit still, and let them pass. Urges build up in intensity, then pass, like a wave. Let each one pass.
7.Notice also your mind trying to justify not doing the task. Also let these self-rationalizing thoughts pass.
8.Now just take one small action to get started. As tiny a step as possible.
9.Get started,
10.The rest will flow.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Is your glass half empty or half full?
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Would You Like to Grow A Prosperous Business?
Would you like to grow a prosperous business? If so, then it is important to have a vision of what you want your business to look like. If you truly want to Create the Life of Your Dreams, then you can't get to where you want to go without a clear vision of what you want!
First of all ask yourself this...Are you interested in achieving the results you desire or are you committed to achieving them?
Few of us take the time to set a clear direction for our business, even though this is one of the most critical components to accomplishing anything that is important in our lives!
Sooo.....What is a vision?
Creating a vision is:
1. The process of developing a picture in your mind of what you want for your life in the future.
2. Translating it into the written word.
3. Picturing it in your mind.

4. Developing it even further into specific action steps.
Did you know we can have visions for all aspects of our lives?
e.g. business, health, finances, relationships, career and more.
Visioning uses both mental and physical tools of your mind and body, such as the thoughts and actions to create and realize your goals.
There really is power in defining, declaring, and then committing to what you want your life to look like.
Your vision is the articulation of your desired future!
we often fail to acquire the quality of life we want and expect.
2.Think about the best vision you can imagine.
3.Don't worry about how you're going to make it happen.
4.Instead focus on what you REALLY desire, and be as specific as possible!
that is important to you.
- How many people do you want to serve?
- Who are you working with?
- What is your area of specialty?
- Are you traveling and speaking to potential audiences?
- Are you meeting with clients in person or remotely?
- What products and services do you offer?
- What does your daily and weekly schedule look like?
- How much money are you making?
How clear can you get?
Take time this week to create your vision for your business.
To your success....
Click here: Why not Contact me for a 30 minute complementary coaching session!
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Are you stuck in a negative story?

Saturday, 4 May 2013
Do you make-up "Happy" or "Unhappy"endings?

When looking to create things like more security, love, and success, your mind might even show you pictures and tell you stories about the failures of your past. It is always looking to "build a case" for why "it won’t happen now."
You might even find thoughts floating around which seem to tell you that "thinking" about your past failures will even "protect" you if your future ventures fail.
This is because you kid yourself that you will be able to control your reaction to a future let down if you keep imagining what the scenario "might" be!
Sooo...Hit the pause button right there!
Here’s what to tell yourself when you catch that kind of thinking happening:
Start by using the phrase:
“Up until now...”

Literally say to yourself —even out loud —that: "up until now ....those circumstances may have been the case, but starting now, I am creating new results."
"Starting now, I am inviting a new experience of freedom, love, happiness, success "...or whatever it is you are creating.
Then become aware ... as your old thinking disperses, making room for
more positivity in your life.
And one last thing..
If you really are having great difficulty doing this.. Then remember this...
If you are going to "make up" a story in your mind about how things are going to work out..then you might as well make up a "happy ending!!" After all....It`s your fairy-tale!
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Are you paddling with or against the current called life?
However when we are working against the flow, we are using what’s called our “will power” . This is actually very small.. a tiny version of what we are capable of, as opposed to when we are aligned with the flow!
Have you heard the phrase.."what you resist persists"?
In other words if you keep pushing against something it will seem to push back even stronger...
Sooo ...why not choose to Create Time For Your Life today and "go with the flow"?
When we ask for and expect positive things to happen, then we are empowered. When we adjust our desires and expectations to always be in the flow of good, then we can only create nothing but good...
The current of your river is always trying to align you with the positivity... dont resist it and you will flow right with it. 's to us all flowing with the current.... remember..."happiness is a journey..not a destination!"
Saturday, 27 April 2013
What are you thinking about?
For instance ..if you’re feeling peckish or start noticing the cafes on your journey! Or if you would like to buy a fancy black sports car then suddenly all you see are shiny black sports cars everywhere. Perhaps someone close to you has passed can't help but seeing signs for crematoriums!
This is because the things we concentrate on expand...
Most of us have a tendency to think about what’s missing and what’s wrong in our lives because we want to fix what’s missing and we want to fill what’s wrong. However a far more powerful way of making changes is to think about on what is good in our lives and what is actually here. Because in truth, there really is nothing missing except in our perception.
So right now, in your life, what can you be happy about?What can you appreciate?
Create Time For Your Life today and think about the good things and by the Law of Attraction you will find that you will attract much more of the good that is yours for the taking.
Create a great day today!
Friday, 19 April 2013
Are You An Avoider?
The result? The longer we avoid it..the larger the task or making a decision becomes, which results only in us avoiding it even more!
Did you know that "the word tomorrow was invented for indecisive people and children"? said Ivan Turgenov!
Sooo ..what to do?
It s difficult to motivate ourselves to get unstuck in times of avoidance - mostly because sometimes our "avoidance" seems illogical!
However think of your decision to get "unstuck" along the lines of "jumping into the pool" rather than "wading in" slowly!!
When you find yourself stuck..ask yourself these questions..
1. What am I trying to achieve but can't because I am stuck?
2. Can I see all the possibilities?
3. If a negative outweighs a positive could I look at my dilemma in a new way?
You could try this...
What are your choices?
A versus B then B versus C
What factors will affect your decision?
List them in order of most to least importance honest!
Family or friends
Others happiness
Well being
Now give yourself 1 minute max to
Put your option A B or C beside each pitting your instincts against the clock you will be able to gut check what is most important to you!
4.How sure am I about my decision?
Can I put my beliefs to the test?
Do you feel better, worse or the same ?
Would you be proud to tell your closest friend about this decision?
Is it likely you might change your mind later?
Is there any obstacle that could get in the way of this decision?
Are you prepared to handle the consequences of your decision?
5. Do I have a concrete plan?
If the answer is no..try the following:
Set a date and time when you will have made your decision to get it done..
be it making a decision or implementing an action!
Ask yourself what needs to happen in order for you to meet your goal. List every task you can think of ! (In no particular order)
Now.. Put these tasks in an order of that you can do NOW, LATER and MUCH LATER
Now take the first action!
You are on your way!
Congratulations! If you have followed this plan then it means you have taken control of your issue of Avoidance!
"Create Time For Your Life" today.
Email me for my complementary "Think it Do it" Worksheet Just pop "think it in the subject box and I will wing it to you!
Monday, 25 March 2013
How are you going "to be" today?
Today, before making your “to do” list, make your “to be” list.
Create Time for Your Life by thinking about how you want "to be” today! So....write down how you wish to express yourself to your world today. Would you like to be organised, aware of your thinking patterns, entertaining, brave, considerate? Well make a list of your "to be's" , and then write down your " to do 's" beside them..By doing this..there is a much higher chance of you completing your "to do's" with a positive attitude and perhaps from a different angle than normal which may inspire not only yourself but everyone else around you!
To being fabulous!