Create Time For Your Life

Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....


Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Exercise for living your best life right Now!

Do you still have a dream that hasn’t yet come to fruition in your life...? 

Well here’s an exercise to help you raise your vibration to match your dream. 

You can’t have or be what you don’t match.

Read each question below, then think about the answer or even better, write your answers down. 

1. If you could do or be anything, what would it be? 

2. What would your life look like if you could do or be what you’d LOVE? 

3. What step will you take today to move you closer to what you love? 

4. Close your eyes and picture the life you’d LOVE. 

5. Smile, breathe deeply and know that those dream-matching vibrations you’ve released will help you attract opportunities, people, and ideas that will get you closer to your dream.
Live your best life NOW!

Vivien Black

Monday, 10 November 2014

Life Vision

Sign up for 3 Free Life Planning Tools

How are you? Hope you are making the most of autumn  and starting to think about your goals for 2015?

I get a lot of questions from clients who want to help themselves with life planning or life visioning. Often people are looking for a catch-all tool, workbook, visualisation or some other technique to help themselves.

The thing is, there are endless life vision exercises and ways to come up with a life plan. 

First, let’s get clear about why you might want a life vision:

Well...quite simply... 

"if you don’t know what you want you’ll end up with what you get!"

With a plan you will get DIRECTION

When we have a life vision – it gives us something to work towards. It gives us clarity, so we can go through our days knowing what we’re working towards - what we want – and what’s truly important to us. This clarity of direction helps us make the right decisions and choices 


A life vision should be inspirational. If your life vision is ho-hum, you are not going to want to do anything about it. Your life vision should align with your values, and be inspiring so that you WANT to take action towards it. The purpose of a life vision exercise or plan is to create a desirable future that helps you to focus your life and inspire you to take action towards it.

Please Sign up here if you would like to try 3 Life Vision Exercises I Use With My Clients:

This is a series of 3 simple, but powerful one-page life vision exercises to help my clients connect with themselves and what they truly want from life.

1.Rocking Chair Life Vision Exercise.

This is a writing or journalling exercise where you imagine being 90, happy, healthy and looking back over your life and what you have achieved. This gives a broad life vision – and points to key life values which can be helpful when helping to identify a client’s values.

2. Get Perspective Vision Exercise.

This exercise asks you to detail where you want to be in 10 years, then 5, 2, 1 and 3 months time. The exercise deliberately works back from 10 years to the present day – this way you really get a sense of what you need to do NOW to make your year goal happen

3. Three Month Vision Worksheet

This exercise asks you to consider where you would like to be in 3 months time in key life areas (eg. Personal Life, Home and Family, Health and Well-being, Career). It then asks for obstacles and who you think you need to be in order to achieve these goals.

When you do these 3 life vision exercises in sequence like this, you get a broad overview of the vision you have for your life AND bring it right back to the present day/immediate future.

This will help you  focus on what you need to do right NOW to get moving in the next 3 months that fits beautifully into the overall vision you have for your life.

This may be all you need to kickstart your goals for 2015!

If you would like to try one of these exercises please sign up HERE
and I will forward to you with my compliments.

"The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams."  
Og Mandino

Please feel free to share this with friends or family that you think may benefit from these exercises.

Create a great day and see you soon!

Best wishes 

Vivien Black
Create Time For Your Life

Friday, 26 September 2014

What Energy Do you Give your Friends?

Do you know that In your personal world, you can make a great difference. When I say "your world," it is the world you live in and hold with your perception. It is the people you know. It is the energy that you give to everyone and everything you encounter in your daily life.

Do you know that subconsciously you are always helping those people, places and things around you, but the question is How are you helping them?

Why not start to pay attention to what you think about each person in your world. Are you thinking negative thoughts about them? If so by the law of attraction negativity will manifest in those relationships.

What kind of thoughts and emotions do you have about money? The energy you are sending out will affect the financial situation that you have. Get yourself some great affirmations!!

What are you saying to yourself about yourself? That too will have an impact--not only on you, but on everything else in your environment since your first and primary relationship is with yourself.

Challenge Yourself!

Spend one day focusing on you and the energy that you are sending out. Pay close attention to it and be responsible for the vibrations that are being created by you because they affect you and your world.

When you send more positive energy to your world ...just will reflect back to you..

Create a great day and no matter what s going on in your life...stay positive!


Friday, 27 June 2014

3 Questions to cope with change!

When you anticipate your day going a certain way and things don't work out the way you had planned, do you find you have a natural tendency to get discouraged?

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you take back the responsibility for creating a more positive experience...

1.  How do I react when my expectations of circumstances and others are thwarted? 

2. Does my reaction affect others positively or negatively? 

3. Can I be responsible for my influence on others?

Sooo..when plans change unexpectedly just ask yourself those 3 little questions and hopefully you will Create a positive Reaction from you and therefore from everyone around you!

Believing in you!

Create A Great Week!

Checkout my website here:


Wednesday, 25 June 2014

FREE Report: Develop Unlimited Confidence

When you’re faced with a tough challenge, are you filled with excitement and the strong impulse to rise to the occasion or does your stomach sink, striking you with a sense of exhaustion and mild panic?

If you’re like most people, you may feel some combination of the two. Those sweaty palms and lumps in your throat may excite you, triggering your curiosity for the unknown…but you eventually back down, choosing to focus your energy somewhere “safer.” Eventually, though, you’ll wish that you had stepped up, wondering what could have happened had you said, “YES.” 

Confidence is the key ingredient in the lives of successful people. In order to achieve success, you must take risks, and risks are…well, RISKY. But risk is often met with huge rewards. Most people who’ve tasted any degree of success want more of the magic stuff that brings those rewards…they want more confidence. 

Does this sound familiar? Download my FREE 12 Page Report to Develop Unlimited Confidence here and read on..

Confidence is the self-belief that strengthens your resolve, boosts your courage, and reduces your anxieties and fears. Confidence gives you hope that you can accomplish your heart's desires…and not only that, confidence gives you the ability to accomplish those desires. If you’d like to bring more confidence, positivity, courage and possibility into your life, then I’ve got a special report that will help you tremendously. It’s loaded with tools and guidance to invite more confidence into your life, and maintain your courageous outlook in the face of any challenge. 

In this enlightening Special Report you’ll discover…

The Root Laws of Supreme Confidence:

Proven confidence tricks used by the super-successful. 

How to develop your own “Confidence Core.” 

The 7 Secrets of living a fulfilled life. And much, much more…

This report is your guide to excellence. 
Unlimited Confidence Can Be YOURS!!!

As you read through this carefully crafted Special Report, you’ll begin see that you have a deep well of confidence already inside of you, and you’ll discover how to access it at any time, in any situation.

When you apply these simple principles to your day-to-day life, you will:

Set exciting, inspiring, attainable goals for growth.

Embrace new challenges as invigorating opportunities for success.

Find peace of mind, knowing that you can easily handle any circumstance.

Shine with “Rockstar Self-Esteem.”

Quickly bounce back from potentially crippling experiences. 

Watch your relationships drastically improve as you relax into your true nature.
And that’s only the beginning…

Click here to download this life-changing Special Report, and begin filling up your very own confidence reservoir TODAY. 

Believing in You!


P.S. This Special Report will only be available for a limited time, so be sure to download your copy now, before we pull it off-line. 

P.P.S. When you download your copy of our Special Report, Confident You! Secrets to Creating Unlimited Confidence, you will also receive a free bonus (a $95 Value) that has even more information on creating a life of possibility and confidence. 

More importantly, you’ll learn expert strategies for creating a positive mindset that will give you the ability to rise in the face of any tough or challenging situation, and position you as a magnetic leader in your office, family and circle of friends. 


Friday, 20 June 2014

A Poem to Live Your Life By......

One of my Clients sent me a copy of this Poem and said that I'd helped her relate to and manifest many of the things in this poem.

It is a wonderful Poem and I share it with you all here:  You will be surprised when you see who wrote it!

“When I Started Loving Myself”

When I started loving myself
I understood that I’m always and at any given opportunity
in the right place at the right time.
And I understood that all that happens is right –
from then on I could be calm.
Today I know: It’s called TRUST.

When I started to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody
When I tried to force my desires on this person,
even though I knew the time is not right and the person was not ready for it,
and even though this person was me.
Today I know it s called LETTING GO!

When I started loving myself
I could recognize that emotional pain and grief
are just warnings for me to not live against my own truth.
Today I know: It’s called AUTHENTICALLY BEING.

When I started loving myself
I stopped longing for another life
and could see that everything around me was a request to grow.
Today I know: It’s called MATURITY.

When I started loving myself
I stopped depriving myself of my free time
and stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future.
Today I only do what’s fun and joy for me,
what I love and what makes my heart laugh,
in my own way and in my tempo.
Today I know: it’s called HONESTY.

When I started loving myself
I escaped from all what wasn’t healthy for me,
from dishes, people, things, situations
and from everything pulling me down and away from myself.
In the beginning I called it the “healthy egoism”,
but today I know: it’s called SELF-LOVE.

When I started loving myself
I stopped wanting to be always right
thus I’ve been less wrong.
Today I’ve recognized: it’s called HUMBLENESS.

When I started loving myself
I refused to live further in the past
and worry about my future.
Now I live only at this moment where EVERYTHING takes place,
like this I live every day and I call it CONSCIOUSNESS.

When I started loving myself
I recognized, that my thinking
can make me miserable and sick.
When I requested for my heart forces,
my mind got an important partner.
Today I call this connection HEART WISDOM.

We do not need to fear further discussions,
conflicts and problems with ourselves and others
since even stars sometimes bang on each other
and create new worlds.
Today I know: THIS IS LIFE!

This poem by Charlie Chaplin was written on his 70th birthday on April 16, 1959

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Mini Quizz:What kind of Planner Are You?

MINI-QUIZ: What a Kind of Planner Are You?

Think of a time when a tactic that’s always served you well stopped working. It might be:

How you communicate with someone. How you complete a work project. Maybe it’s your method for tracking your budget. 

What did you Feel, Think, and Do at that time? 

Pick one answer from each group. This works best when you answer quickly, following your gut instinct.

Here we go!

What did you Feel when you were stressed?

A. Uninspired.
B. Like a failure.
C. Afraid you’d be found out.

What did you Think when you were stressed?

A. I wish this came with instructions.
B. Ugh. Do I have to learn something new now?
C. This will take me forever to fix.

What did you Do when you were Stressed?

A. Declared it broken and stopped trying.
B. Nothing. I didn’t want to mess things up more.
C. Stayed quiet about it as long as I could.

If you chose mostly about By-the-Book Planners, below are a Perfect Planner

Cs..Peerless Planner


A. By-the-Book Planner.

There’s a reason rules are made, and the primary one is to be followed. There’s comfort in knowing what to do and what to expect — because it usually works for you. Why reinvent every time when you can sail smoothly ahead instead? But when the waters get choppy, you may find you’re not equipped to improvise.
You need to believe in your creative abilities. Perplexed Planners get stuck by the clutter, and in your case, it’s the rules that are clogging up your brain. It’s hard to think creatively when you’re clinging to one right way. Embrace the idea that there’s more than one answer to any given problem.

B. Perfect Planner.

 Details are your friend. You coax and cajole them into shape like few can — and that’s impressive. Whether it’s an annual report or a dinner for 12, everyone knows you’ll make it just so. That’s why a change of plans can be so disruptive. You’re not sure how to adapt and still keep the system in shape.
You need to believe in the possibilities of failure. When plans go askew, your mind heads to that scary place where everything goes wrong. Your thoughts swim with possible errors and the unknown. And you don’t want to take a chance on making any of it come true. But if you don’t try, things aren’t going to get better.

C. Peerless Planner

You’re known for being head and shoulders above the crowd. It’s a point of pride, and you’ve definitely earned it. But this can make the words, “I don’t know,” difficult to utter. You might lose your status as the person with all the answers. And that leaves you stuck pretending.
You need to believe that everyone needs help. Whether or not you feel the confidence of a virtuoso, it’s important that others see you as one. Faced with a kink in the system, your certainty may plummet. And the worst part is imagining what others may think of you. Instead, consider this: The mark of a true expert is knowing that you don’t know everything.

Monday, 2 June 2014

How to fight off motivation blues!

Has your initial burst of excitement to meet your goals passed?

Carry a goal card

Do you have a goal card? If not, make one right now. Just grab a small piece of paper (half an index card is perfect). On one side, write down your current goal: the thing you want most at this moment in time, and are in the process of working to achieve. On the other side, write down a quote or phrase that never fails to stir your soul. You could also paste a picture of the thing you’re working towards, or of a person who inspires you — anything that will give you an instant jolt.

Put this card in your wallet and look at it as often as you can. You should pull it out several times a day at a minimum, and no number of times is too many. Once you accomplish it, create a new card.

Do not underestimate the power of this seemingly simple exercise. It is life-changing.

Create a support system

One of the wonderful things about a seminar or live event is that you’re surrounded by like-minded people. Everyone there “gets it”; everyone is feeling the same excitement you are. That environment of support and understanding is critical, and once you step out of it, you must try to recreate it in your “regular” life.

If you made contacts at past events you’ve attended, reach out to them. Like you, they want to stay motivated, and could be having a hard time doing so. Things like Skype and Google + make it easy to meet with people anywhere in the world. Schedule a set day and time to reconnect, discuss your challenges, share your triumphs and breakthroughs, and remind each other of your goals, dreams and infinite potential.

Your spouse, a close friend, trusted colleague or Coach can also fill this role. Explain your excitement to them; tell them your goals. Share any material or ideas that were part of your initial inspiration. Get them on board and create a mini-mastermind you can touch base with whenever you need to.

Deal with Negativity

When you’re in the midst of a motivating experience, your mind is packed to the brim with positivity and possibility. The moment that experience ends, however, mental spaces open up and the world floods in. Negativity, discouragement, the old challenges and obstacles, all the forces telling you, in one way or another, that you can’t.

It’s up to you to fight that flood. Fortunately, there is a bottomless supply of tools available to help you do that.

Subscribe to a regular motivational online newsletter or blog like this one. Install a phone app that will send you a motivating quote every day — there are dozens. 

Whatever happens..keep are worth it!


Affirmation of the day

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Try this "What's Stopping You?"Exercise


Try this short exercise to explore what holds you back.
Take a moment to breathe deeply and create a worry free zone around yourself. 

One more deep breath in, connecting to your heart. 
Think...What holds me back?

With a soft focus look around the room you are in and find a symbol, an image or an object that calls to you. 

No need to over-think this. Simply allow the symbol or object to find you.
Take a moment to journal about the object/symbol.
What stands out about it in terms of color, texture, shape, size?

What associations or memories does it trigger for you?

If the symbol/image were on a book cover, what would the title of the book be?
And now ask yourself - what is the message this symbol/object has for me related to the question - What holds me back?
Any surprises or new awareness?
What baby step does this new awareness suggest?
Make a commitment to take that step. 

Create Time For Your Life Today!


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Do you get stuck like me in a place of fear sometimes?

Do you get stuck in a place of fear sometimes?  I do...When I am stuck in fear ...My life feels small, constrained and  I hold my breath and foresee every “worst case scenario” possible. I view the world from the lenses of All or Nothing. This doesn't happen often nowadays but it lurks there in the shadows popping out now and then..

I go through phases which reflect a new "dance with fear".  This was a dance that I thought I once mastered years ago, only to find myself sometimes feeling at the new “beginners” level again.

If like me you sometimes are in this "phase" you ll note that many of your actions and decisions are made out of fear and you do everything in your power not to show how you are feeling...

At times we become a great crisis manager and caretaker. We avoid asking for what We want out of fear of not getting it and feeling disappointed. 

If this resonates with you.. It s time to come to terms with understanding that fear is “False Evidence Appearing Real” and that You have the power to surrender and embrace a new story.

Learn to do the Fear dance while walking through each fear with courage, willingness and awareness.

Accept that you will have to repeat this process as fear never goes away.

Fear serves as a reminder whether We are on the right direction going towards our dreams or not...

Sometimes fear is the distraction or the obstacle that We have to overcome to go from point A to point C.

Hopefully like me your life is in a place of "creation full of uncertainty."

Accept that the fear dance is not composed of extraordinary actions and peak experience. 

This dance is about consistent, bite size actions that are far from sexy. It’s about continuing to keep the focus back on what You need, where You need to keep going and moving your feet in the right direction.


So... How to get moving and start dancing?

1) Breathe. Yes, really go ahead and TAKE A DEEP Breathe. Sigh. Breathe again. Your breath calms your body down. Better yet it turns your fear into excitement.

2) Write it down. What situation is causing you feel the fear? What feelings are getting trigger? 

One thing I have learned  about fear is that it hates every time you shed light on it because it makes it smaller.

 If you are brave enough, share your fears with a trusted un-bias person (sponsor, therapist, coach, etc).

3) Break it down to manageable pieces. What is that you need to get done? Where do you find yourself in a place of resistance? Fear hates action/movement.

Break down the actions to  5 – 10 minute actions that you can take. Just do one per day. Trust me this will serve as the energizer to push through the resistance.

4) Practice thinking the best if yourself..don’t know about you but I can be my own worst enemy. 

5) Accept that you are right where you need to be.

Create a great day and if you are feeling awesome and don't need to do the "Fear"  Dance today...Dance anyway!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Self Help a Stress Reduction Tool

Holding yourself or someone else up for too long causes stress..learn to let go...look after you!

A therapist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full”question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?”

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.”

She continued, “The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.”

Want to lower your stress? Remember to lower that glass!

Monday, 31 March 2014

Three steps to living Stress Free!

Do you understand what causes stress?

Anything that makes you:


It could be an upcoming exam, keeping a secret, a visit from a difficult relative, making a difficult choice, work pressures,
coping with a death in the family.

The strange thing is that one person s stress maybe another person's pleasure!
Think of a racing driver or people who work on high roof tops or people who just love challenges all the time...many of us set small challenges and overcome them in order to stop ourselves from getting bored and this is good for us..

However too much stress is seriously bad for our health.

In chronic stress the altered stress hormone released can cause depression, stomach ulcers and decreased immune function.

However the good news is that most of us are always able to overcome stress in our lives. The secret though is to learn how not to let stress factors build up too much in the first place.

Sometimes the source of our stress isn't quite so obvious to us and this is when talking things through with a coach can help bring it out into the open and with the help of your coach you can both put steps in place to get unstuck and move forwards.

Some Emotional Reactions to Stress;

1.  Feeling tense
2.  Unable to Relax
3.  Feeling constantly frightened
4.  Increasing irritability
5.  Complaining all the time
6.  Feeling of conflict
7.  Inability to concentrate
8.  Tearfulness 
9.  Unable to make decisions
10.Fears of social embarrassment or failure.

Do You Suffer from any of these Physical Reactions to Stress?

Muscle tension
Pounding heartbeat
Fast shallow breathing
Dilated pupils
Change in appetite
Muscle weakness
Sick feeling in your stomach
Frequent urge to pass urine
Irritable bowel
Pins and needles in hands or feet
Dry mouth or throat
Constant butterflies in stomach 

In my next article I will give you 20 methods for reducing stress in your life..

In the meantime ..

Work on these three simple tasks:


Always be true to yourself and your own values 


Be direct with other people..whether it s family, friends or co-workers..don't beat about the bush for too long 


Never apologise for being YOU! You are unique and you are amazing...

Contact Vivien at:


You will receive complimentary coaching session and sign up to receive her weekly complimentary newsletter 

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Want to get more Creative?

It's funny how we can get stuck in a rut and then one day it can seem so easy to make a change...and then we that was so easy ..why didn't i do that earlier?

Have you ever sat down and thought to yourself "why"? Why does it seem so easy now?

Usually you will realise that it's because you've "Relaxed". Relaxing makes us more creative. Our brains slow down and the creative juices get a chance to flow...

Remember.."what we resist persists"... So accept and relax and watch what happens..

Watch this 40 sec video and get inspired; You are amazing...