Sign up for 3 Free Life Planning Tools
How are you? Hope you are making the most of autumn and starting to think about your goals for 2015?
I get a lot of questions from clients who want to help themselves with life planning or life visioning. Often people are looking for a catch-all tool, workbook, visualisation or some other technique to help themselves.
The thing is, there are endless life vision exercises and ways to come up with a life plan.
First, let’s get clear about why you might want a life vision:
Well...quite simply...
"if you don’t know what you want you’ll end up with what you get!"
With a plan you will get DIRECTION:
When we have a life vision – it gives us something to work towards. It gives us clarity, so we can go through our days knowing what we’re working towards - what we want – and what’s truly important to us. This clarity of direction helps us make the right decisions and choices
A life vision should be inspirational. If your life vision is ho-hum, you are not going to want to do anything about it. Your life vision should align with your values, and be inspiring so that you WANT to take action towards it. The purpose of a life vision exercise or plan is to create a desirable future that helps you to focus your life and inspire you to take action towards it.
Please Sign up here if you would like to try 3 Life Vision Exercises I Use With My Clients:
This is a series of 3 simple, but powerful one-page life vision exercises to help my clients connect with themselves and what they truly want from life.
1.Rocking Chair Life Vision Exercise.
This is a writing or journalling exercise where you imagine being 90, happy, healthy and looking back over your life and what you have achieved. This gives a broad life vision – and points to key life values which can be helpful when helping to identify a client’s values.
2. Get Perspective Vision Exercise.
This exercise asks you to detail where you want to be in 10 years, then 5, 2, 1 and 3 months time. The exercise deliberately works back from 10 years to the present day – this way you really get a sense of what you need to do NOW to make your year goal happen
3. Three Month Vision Worksheet.
This exercise asks you to consider where you would like to be in 3 months time in key life areas (eg. Personal Life, Home and Family, Health and Well-being, Career). It then asks for obstacles and who you think you need to be in order to achieve these goals.
When you do these 3 life vision exercises in sequence like this, you get a broad overview of the vision you have for your life AND bring it right back to the present day/immediate future.
This will help you focus on what you need to do right NOW to get moving in the next 3 months that fits beautifully into the overall vision you have for your life.
This may be all you need to kickstart your goals for 2015!
If you would like to try one of these exercises please sign up HERE
and I will forward to you with my compliments.
"The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams."
Og Mandino
Please feel free to share this with friends or family that you think may benefit from these exercises.
Create a great day and see you soon!
Best wishes
Vivien Black
Create Time For Your Life