Create Time For Your Life

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Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Try this "What's Stopping You?"Exercise


Try this short exercise to explore what holds you back.
Take a moment to breathe deeply and create a worry free zone around yourself. 

One more deep breath in, connecting to your heart. 
Think...What holds me back?

With a soft focus look around the room you are in and find a symbol, an image or an object that calls to you. 

No need to over-think this. Simply allow the symbol or object to find you.
Take a moment to journal about the object/symbol.
What stands out about it in terms of color, texture, shape, size?

What associations or memories does it trigger for you?

If the symbol/image were on a book cover, what would the title of the book be?
And now ask yourself - what is the message this symbol/object has for me related to the question - What holds me back?
Any surprises or new awareness?
What baby step does this new awareness suggest?
Make a commitment to take that step. 

Create Time For Your Life Today!


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