Has your initial burst of excitement to meet your goals passed?
Carry a goal card
Do you have a goal card? If not, make one right now. Just grab a small piece of paper (half an index card is perfect). On one side, write down your current goal: the thing you want most at this moment in time, and are in the process of working to achieve. On the other side, write down a quote or phrase that never fails to stir your soul. You could also paste a picture of the thing you’re working towards, or of a person who inspires you — anything that will give you an instant jolt.
Put this card in your wallet and look at it as often as you can. You should pull it out several times a day at a minimum, and no number of times is too many. Once you accomplish it, create a new card.
Do not underestimate the power of this seemingly simple exercise. It is life-changing.
Create a support system
One of the wonderful things about a seminar or live event is that you’re surrounded by like-minded people. Everyone there “gets it”; everyone is feeling the same excitement you are. That environment of support and understanding is critical, and once you step out of it, you must try to recreate it in your “regular” life.
If you made contacts at past events you’ve attended, reach out to them. Like you, they want to stay motivated, and could be having a hard time doing so. Things like Skype and Google + make it easy to meet with people anywhere in the world. Schedule a set day and time to reconnect, discuss your challenges, share your triumphs and breakthroughs, and remind each other of your goals, dreams and infinite potential.
Your spouse, a close friend, trusted colleague or Coach can also fill this role. Explain your excitement to them; tell them your goals. Share any material or ideas that were part of your initial inspiration. Get them on board and create a mini-mastermind you can touch base with whenever you need to.
Deal with Negativity
When you’re in the midst of a motivating experience, your mind is packed to the brim with positivity and possibility. The moment that experience ends, however, mental spaces open up and the world floods in. Negativity, discouragement, the old challenges and obstacles, all the forces telling you, in one way or another, that you can’t.
It’s up to you to fight that flood. Fortunately, there is a bottomless supply of tools available to help you do that.
Subscribe to a regular motivational online newsletter or blog like this one. Install a phone app that will send you a motivating quote every day — there are dozens.
Whatever happens..keep going...you are worth it!
Affirmation of the day
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