If you want to be successful..then you must have DREAMS.. The key to success is making your DREAMS come TRUE!!
Soo.... try these FIVE STEPS that will help turn your DREAMS into REALITY!
If the PERFECT opportunity presented itself to you TOMORROW, would you be ready?
It´s better to be ready when opportunity comes knocking at your door!! Spend
your time PREPARING for success and when your opportunity comes, you´ll be glad you did!
2. WORK AT IT...
"success is simply a matter of luck".. ASK ANY FAILURE!! THEY know that it s just
a matter of being at the right place at the time..they know for SURE that success is good old fashioned chance!..However those who have SUCCEEDED know that
success is directly and proportionally linked to HARD WORK!! Even an AMAZING
strategy cant guarantee success. You HAVE to put in the hours. However when you DO
put in the time, it makes the success all the more SWEET...
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". That s the KEY to success!
Treat your clients as you would have them treat you... Meet THEIR needs as you
would have them meet YOUR needs. Give them prices that YOU would want to pay,
exceed THEIR expectations in a way that YOU would want your expectations to be
If you don t BELIEVE in your ABILITIES, don t be surprised if no one else does
either. Your negative thoughts about yourself send a signal throughout your community
that others pick up on and respond accordingly. If you re broadcasting the station
"depression 98.5" then others will treat YOU like you ARE down...but when you BELIEVE
in yourself and your POTENTIAL, people pick up that signal and they will treat you
according to how they believe, you believe, you should be treated!
5. LEAD..
To be successful you must be a great leader. It s EASY to be SELFISH, it s EASY
to only be concerned with your OWN needs, your OWN wants and your OWN desires.
However to SUCCEED you have to LEAD!!. When you really lead, you WILL succeed.
Soo .. go on ..apply these steps today and see what tomorrow brings!
Ready to make changes in your life? Create a better community? Time to yourself? Take better care of your health,reduce stress, achieve a balance in your work and personal life? You're not alone! So how do you shape up your life and overcome the obstacles that get in the way of living the life that you love and being the best you can be!! Why not Create time for your life by following our Tips From A Life Coach!
Create Time For Your Life
Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....
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Saturday, 23 April 2011
Thursday, 21 April 2011
The Tools To Create Your Positive Life Story.....
Okay...SO it’s time to CREATE TIME FOR YOUR LIFE - ie. Create the story of your great reality. Here are the rules...and by the time we finish this exercise you will have a list of positive affirmations that will describe YOUR Positve Life Story.
1. All statements must be completely POSITIVE and stated in PRESENT tense. Remember that you are TRICKING your brain into thinking that your goal ALREADY exists and forms part of your reality right NOW.
2. AVOID the words no, don’t, and not. The subconscious mind doesn’t recognize these words. If your statement is “I have no debt” the only word your subconscious hears is “debt” and you ll actually be thinking MORE about debt.
3. Start as many affirmations as you can with I AM. “I am” are very POWERFUL words that give you complete ownership of what it is that you have written and want to achieve.
Be sure to use as many descriptive, emotional, FEELING words as you can, words such as..
“enjoying, happily, proudly, celebrating, lovingly etc.”
These words CREATE emotion when you repeat the affirmations. Remember that WHATEVER you most give attention and focus to and FEEL deeply about - THAT is what you will achieve.
Make your affirmations as SPECFIC as possible, such as: “I am a size 10”, “I earn 20,000 per month”, “I drive a brand new red Ferrari”, etc.
The LAST statement on your list should be “I choose to CREATE all of this or something BETTER.”
The things you have written on YOUR list is what YOU want to achieve based on YOUR OWN life experiences up until this point.
Make sure that you set aside some uninterrupted time to complete this exercise. This is a CRITICAL step for your future success and deserves the necessary quality time to complete it.
Complete CLARITY about what you want to DO, BE and HAVE constitutes the bulk of the work!
I m sure many of you already own the best marriage-saving device ever created —the GPS —a husband’s dream that takes him where he wants to go without ever needing to stop and ASK for directions!! Even so, one thing is clear; you can’t expect your GPS to Get you to your DESTINATION without YOU punching in a SPECIFIC address.
Write down three columns
What I Don’t Want,
What I DO Want,
Why I Want It.
The reason we have a “What I Don’t Want” column is because sometimes, in order to figure out what you DO want, it is easier to identify what you DONT want and then rewrite that as a POSITIVE, OPPOSITE statement.
To fill out this column ask yourself based on past experiences . what you dont wanT Here are some examples:
what i dont want what i would like
I don’t want to be broke I have an abundance of money
I don’t want a job I hate I love my job
I don’t want to be alone I am in a loving relationship
I don’t want to be fat I am trim, taut and terrific
I don’t want feel like a loser I am a confident, intelligent person
I don’t want people to take advantage of me – I am strong and empowered
You may already know exactly what you DO want without filling out the first column and that’s okay – just write that down in short, positive, present tense statements.
Here are some more examples:.
I happily and easily pay my bills on time.
I am the number 1 salesman in my industry.
I cheerfully exercise every day.
I am an inspiration to others.
I lovingly spend quality time with my family each day.
I am a valued employee.
I proudly donate 10% of my income to worthy charities.
I am a loving wife
I am respected by my peers.
I am excited to wake up next to my beautiful partner.
Together we are unstoppable. I am energized every day.
I celebrate shopping for new clothes.
Onto the final column
– WHY I Want It.
Here is where you focus on your OWN personal MOTIVATION to achieve these things. Focusing on your WHY gives creates a “volcano” of burning, internal motivation especially if your WHY is something outside of yourself, greater than just you alone.
For example:
I get to go to the uni of my dreams
My partner falls in love with me all over again.
I make my parents proud.
I have the love and respect of my children.
I create a loving relationship with my family.
I attract my perfect partner.
I enjoy time with my kids.
I have the freedom of choice.
I feel healthy and energetic every day.
Get the picture?
Try and review this at least twice a day = morning and evening..
One more thing...
Although the CREATION of your Positive Great Life Story is supposed to invoke positive emotions, there may be some situations where reading your affirmations brings out a negative emotion for you.
Let me explain;
Suppose that one of your statements is “I am a size 10” but when you look in the mirror and don’t see a size 10 looking back at you, your mind spirals into negative thoughts like: “No you’re not, fatty”; or “You look more like a size 20”; or “You don’t even remember what a size 10 looks like”! (you know what I mean). Clearly, this thought process does not create a good, POSITIVE feeling.
To counteract this potential negativity, start these affirmations with the statement:
“I am happy that I am in the process of “...“becoming a size 10” OR “earning 20,000 per month,” etc.
Or ask yourself...
“Once I ACHIEVE this goal, who will BENEFIT How will that make me
Everyone is different. Choose which method serves YOU best.
HOW to CONSTRUCT your personalized plan of action.
We each have DIFFERENT goals to achieve which makes it impossible to convey specific instructions on how to take action for EACH one. This you must research YOURSELF and seek counsel from experts if needed.
Remember that once you are clear on what you want plus you visualize and attach emotion to it, the right course of action WILL appear for you.
Things have an uncanny way of shifting so that the people, events and resources you need will turn up to help you achieve what you want to happen.
As you start to consistently revise your Positive Life Story, you will find ideas coming to you on how you should proceed. Make you sure take note and listen to your intuition on these ideas.
The important thing is to take ACTION.
1. Research the internet,
2. ask people who have already achieved your goal or something similar themselves,
3. check in with friends and family for help...
4. whatever it takes to get you moving toward your goals.
Your customized plan will NATURALLY become clear for you.
It's NOT what's happening to you NOW or what has happened in your PAST that determines who you BECOME!
It's your DECISIONS about what to FOCUS on, what things MEAN to you, and what you're going to DO about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.
SOOOO... incorporate the Habit of Consistent Focus in order to bring YOUR story to
Each day
Keep a copies of your Positive Life Story in a places that you will pass regularly during the day
your computer,
the fridge,
the bathroom mirror,
the dashboard of your car
This way you can READ your story (obviously not while you’re driving), feel empowered and visualise your new life EVERY time you have a lazy 5 minutes, what I call “daydream” time, or anytime that you need a 5 minute “power break”. Put those times to good use.
Have some FUN with this!
When appropriate, PLAY your favorite song while reciting your Positive Life Story.
Turn up the volume, jump around the room and loudly read out every affirmation that’s on your list..get a little crazy with it. This changes your state to one of fun and happiness. It CREATES a positive trigger every time you HEAR that particular song again and puts you firmly INSIDE your Positive Life Story.
I also recommend the making yourself a life movie. A life movie is a visualization tool which combines your affirmations with PHOTOS and the MUSIC that is most powerful and uplifting for you. You can download your life movie onto your iPod or your computer and watch it morning and night. This makes the process easy and fun. It keeps you completely focused and emotionally charged about the things that you want to achieve. Ask your Coach to make one for you..
The combination of these methods is extremely powerful. It is quite possible that you will achieve part or all of what you set out to achieve before the 10 week period is finished. This is why it is important to focus on your Positive Life Story everyday and make changes and updates when necessary.
1. All statements must be completely POSITIVE and stated in PRESENT tense. Remember that you are TRICKING your brain into thinking that your goal ALREADY exists and forms part of your reality right NOW.
2. AVOID the words no, don’t, and not. The subconscious mind doesn’t recognize these words. If your statement is “I have no debt” the only word your subconscious hears is “debt” and you ll actually be thinking MORE about debt.
3. Start as many affirmations as you can with I AM. “I am” are very POWERFUL words that give you complete ownership of what it is that you have written and want to achieve.
Be sure to use as many descriptive, emotional, FEELING words as you can, words such as..
“enjoying, happily, proudly, celebrating, lovingly etc.”
These words CREATE emotion when you repeat the affirmations. Remember that WHATEVER you most give attention and focus to and FEEL deeply about - THAT is what you will achieve.
Make your affirmations as SPECFIC as possible, such as: “I am a size 10”, “I earn 20,000 per month”, “I drive a brand new red Ferrari”, etc.
The LAST statement on your list should be “I choose to CREATE all of this or something BETTER.”
The things you have written on YOUR list is what YOU want to achieve based on YOUR OWN life experiences up until this point.
Make sure that you set aside some uninterrupted time to complete this exercise. This is a CRITICAL step for your future success and deserves the necessary quality time to complete it.
Complete CLARITY about what you want to DO, BE and HAVE constitutes the bulk of the work!
I m sure many of you already own the best marriage-saving device ever created —the GPS —a husband’s dream that takes him where he wants to go without ever needing to stop and ASK for directions!! Even so, one thing is clear; you can’t expect your GPS to Get you to your DESTINATION without YOU punching in a SPECIFIC address.
Write down three columns
What I Don’t Want,
What I DO Want,
Why I Want It.
The reason we have a “What I Don’t Want” column is because sometimes, in order to figure out what you DO want, it is easier to identify what you DONT want and then rewrite that as a POSITIVE, OPPOSITE statement.
To fill out this column ask yourself based on past experiences . what you dont wanT Here are some examples:
what i dont want what i would like
I don’t want to be broke I have an abundance of money
I don’t want a job I hate I love my job
I don’t want to be alone I am in a loving relationship
I don’t want to be fat I am trim, taut and terrific
I don’t want feel like a loser I am a confident, intelligent person
I don’t want people to take advantage of me – I am strong and empowered
You may already know exactly what you DO want without filling out the first column and that’s okay – just write that down in short, positive, present tense statements.
Here are some more examples:.
I happily and easily pay my bills on time.
I am the number 1 salesman in my industry.
I cheerfully exercise every day.
I am an inspiration to others.
I lovingly spend quality time with my family each day.
I am a valued employee.
I proudly donate 10% of my income to worthy charities.
I am a loving wife
I am respected by my peers.
I am excited to wake up next to my beautiful partner.
Together we are unstoppable. I am energized every day.
I celebrate shopping for new clothes.
Onto the final column
– WHY I Want It.
Here is where you focus on your OWN personal MOTIVATION to achieve these things. Focusing on your WHY gives creates a “volcano” of burning, internal motivation especially if your WHY is something outside of yourself, greater than just you alone.
For example:
I get to go to the uni of my dreams
My partner falls in love with me all over again.
I make my parents proud.
I have the love and respect of my children.
I create a loving relationship with my family.
I attract my perfect partner.
I enjoy time with my kids.
I have the freedom of choice.
I feel healthy and energetic every day.
Get the picture?
Try and review this at least twice a day = morning and evening..
One more thing...
Although the CREATION of your Positive Great Life Story is supposed to invoke positive emotions, there may be some situations where reading your affirmations brings out a negative emotion for you.
Let me explain;
Suppose that one of your statements is “I am a size 10” but when you look in the mirror and don’t see a size 10 looking back at you, your mind spirals into negative thoughts like: “No you’re not, fatty”; or “You look more like a size 20”; or “You don’t even remember what a size 10 looks like”! (you know what I mean). Clearly, this thought process does not create a good, POSITIVE feeling.
To counteract this potential negativity, start these affirmations with the statement:
“I am happy that I am in the process of “...“becoming a size 10” OR “earning 20,000 per month,” etc.
Or ask yourself...
“Once I ACHIEVE this goal, who will BENEFIT How will that make me
Everyone is different. Choose which method serves YOU best.
HOW to CONSTRUCT your personalized plan of action.
We each have DIFFERENT goals to achieve which makes it impossible to convey specific instructions on how to take action for EACH one. This you must research YOURSELF and seek counsel from experts if needed.
Remember that once you are clear on what you want plus you visualize and attach emotion to it, the right course of action WILL appear for you.
Things have an uncanny way of shifting so that the people, events and resources you need will turn up to help you achieve what you want to happen.
As you start to consistently revise your Positive Life Story, you will find ideas coming to you on how you should proceed. Make you sure take note and listen to your intuition on these ideas.
The important thing is to take ACTION.
1. Research the internet,
2. ask people who have already achieved your goal or something similar themselves,
3. check in with friends and family for help...
4. whatever it takes to get you moving toward your goals.
Your customized plan will NATURALLY become clear for you.
It's NOT what's happening to you NOW or what has happened in your PAST that determines who you BECOME!
It's your DECISIONS about what to FOCUS on, what things MEAN to you, and what you're going to DO about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.
SOOOO... incorporate the Habit of Consistent Focus in order to bring YOUR story to
Each day
Keep a copies of your Positive Life Story in a places that you will pass regularly during the day
your computer,
the fridge,
the bathroom mirror,
the dashboard of your car
This way you can READ your story (obviously not while you’re driving), feel empowered and visualise your new life EVERY time you have a lazy 5 minutes, what I call “daydream” time, or anytime that you need a 5 minute “power break”. Put those times to good use.
Have some FUN with this!
When appropriate, PLAY your favorite song while reciting your Positive Life Story.
Turn up the volume, jump around the room and loudly read out every affirmation that’s on your list..get a little crazy with it. This changes your state to one of fun and happiness. It CREATES a positive trigger every time you HEAR that particular song again and puts you firmly INSIDE your Positive Life Story.
I also recommend the making yourself a life movie. A life movie is a visualization tool which combines your affirmations with PHOTOS and the MUSIC that is most powerful and uplifting for you. You can download your life movie onto your iPod or your computer and watch it morning and night. This makes the process easy and fun. It keeps you completely focused and emotionally charged about the things that you want to achieve. Ask your Coach to make one for you..
The combination of these methods is extremely powerful. It is quite possible that you will achieve part or all of what you set out to achieve before the 10 week period is finished. This is why it is important to focus on your Positive Life Story everyday and make changes and updates when necessary.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Create Time ..to write your POSITIVE LIFE STORY Read On....
In order to CREATE THE TIME to write your POSITIVE LIFE STORY, you first of all have to set yourself some SPECIFIC goals.
If for instance, you want to move house, your goal has to be very specific - a new house in 12 weeks or
if you want to lose weight, your goal has to be just as clear – a size 10 in 10 weeks!
Much of the success in reaching ANY of our goals can be based on “tunnel vision” and the fact that we focus only on ONE thing at a time.
This is why I strongly suggest YOU do the same.
This may mean that you need to NEGLECT other areas of your life for a short time! So be it. If you TRULY want something, laser beam focus is a CRUCIAL ingredient for your success.
Now I can hear what you’re thinking: “But Coach, I have MANY things I want to change, how can I choose just one”? Well...remember...baby steps!
Sooo... CREATE various CHAPTERS in your life story!
Let’s break the CHAPTERS down into the most common key areas:
1. Money and material possessions,
2. Relationships and Partners,
3. Health and Weight Loss,
4. Career and Business,
5. Personal Development and Spirituality.
Maybe you ve lost your job and a new career or business is a priority.
Maybe you ve been single for a while and have decided that you’re ready for a new relationship.
Maybe you lost some invested money and want to rebuild your nest egg.
Maybe you have a pair of “skinny jeans” you want to get back into.
Whatever it is for you, NOW is the time to decide if you can be COMPLETELY committed to the ONE chapter you have chosen to focus on..
Soooo.... It s time to stop focusing on “NOW” and start converting YOUR positive life story in to what you would like it to be.
REMEMBER,that whatever you give attention to or focus upon, TOGETHER with strong emotion, it DEFINITELY WILL come to fruition -
If you focus on what you want by
a. WRITING it down,
b. READING it at least twice a day and
c. VISUALISING your goals
d. FEELING the EMOTION you will have when you achieve your goal
then ....you will “TRICK” your brain into thinking this is your reality.
You see while you are VISUALISING, your mind assumes that this is your REALITY.
Therefore, if you visualize your end goals regularly, your brain will think that your Positive Life Story is in fact your REALITY!
This means that if you TELL yourself something on a CONSCIOUS level, VISUALIZE and truly BELIEVE you CAN create it, your SUBCONSCIOUS will seek out the SOLUTIONS to make whatever it is you want to ACHIEVE into a reality.
The important thing to remember is to be VERY CLEAR about
1. WHAT it is you want
2. WHY you want it.
The “HOW” will come to you.
Tis is because your MIND will open up to the people, events and resources you NEED in order to help you achieve what you want.
It s only when you are in an INTENTIONAL, INSPIRED state that INTENTIONALLY, INSPIRED ideas will come to you for the action you should take.
Soo... you must FIRST be clear on your WHAT and WHY, then VISULAIZE regularly so that any action you take will be INSPIRED action. You will know that you are on the right track when each action step you take makes you...FEEL GREAT!!
If for instance, you want to move house, your goal has to be very specific - a new house in 12 weeks or
if you want to lose weight, your goal has to be just as clear – a size 10 in 10 weeks!
Much of the success in reaching ANY of our goals can be based on “tunnel vision” and the fact that we focus only on ONE thing at a time.
This is why I strongly suggest YOU do the same.
This may mean that you need to NEGLECT other areas of your life for a short time! So be it. If you TRULY want something, laser beam focus is a CRUCIAL ingredient for your success.
Now I can hear what you’re thinking: “But Coach, I have MANY things I want to change, how can I choose just one”? Well...remember...baby steps!
Sooo... CREATE various CHAPTERS in your life story!
Let’s break the CHAPTERS down into the most common key areas:
1. Money and material possessions,
2. Relationships and Partners,
3. Health and Weight Loss,
4. Career and Business,
5. Personal Development and Spirituality.
Maybe you ve lost your job and a new career or business is a priority.
Maybe you ve been single for a while and have decided that you’re ready for a new relationship.
Maybe you lost some invested money and want to rebuild your nest egg.
Maybe you have a pair of “skinny jeans” you want to get back into.
Whatever it is for you, NOW is the time to decide if you can be COMPLETELY committed to the ONE chapter you have chosen to focus on..
Soooo.... It s time to stop focusing on “NOW” and start converting YOUR positive life story in to what you would like it to be.
REMEMBER,that whatever you give attention to or focus upon, TOGETHER with strong emotion, it DEFINITELY WILL come to fruition -
If you focus on what you want by
a. WRITING it down,
b. READING it at least twice a day and
c. VISUALISING your goals
d. FEELING the EMOTION you will have when you achieve your goal
then ....you will “TRICK” your brain into thinking this is your reality.
You see while you are VISUALISING, your mind assumes that this is your REALITY.
Therefore, if you visualize your end goals regularly, your brain will think that your Positive Life Story is in fact your REALITY!
This means that if you TELL yourself something on a CONSCIOUS level, VISUALIZE and truly BELIEVE you CAN create it, your SUBCONSCIOUS will seek out the SOLUTIONS to make whatever it is you want to ACHIEVE into a reality.
The important thing to remember is to be VERY CLEAR about
1. WHAT it is you want
2. WHY you want it.
The “HOW” will come to you.
Tis is because your MIND will open up to the people, events and resources you NEED in order to help you achieve what you want.
It s only when you are in an INTENTIONAL, INSPIRED state that INTENTIONALLY, INSPIRED ideas will come to you for the action you should take.
Soo... you must FIRST be clear on your WHAT and WHY, then VISULAIZE regularly so that any action you take will be INSPIRED action. You will know that you are on the right track when each action step you take makes you...FEEL GREAT!!
Thursday, 14 April 2011
If friends/family are Sucking the Energy Out of You, get some Inspiring Players on Your Team!! read on...
Yesterday's topic was about How To Create Your Own Nurturing Family. If you haven't read that article, have a browse first of all. We are looking at people in our lives and thinking about who to enrol in our own personal nurturing team! Think about the closest people in your life at the moment..
Ask yourself:
Am I myself around them?
Do I feel they accept me for who I am?
Are they critical or judgemental of me?
Is there an even "give and take"
Do I feel upbeat and energised when I'm with them?
Do we hold the same values and integrity?
Is this person committed to our relationship?
Does this person genuinely celebrate my success?
Do I feel great about myself when I'm around this person?
Remember that you are looking to build your own "nurturing family". You are looking for your own "team" that YOU can turn to in times of need. Friends/family whom you know that you YOURSELF are genuinely wanting to be there for in THEIR times of need.
You should schedule as many chats/visits/outings with members of your "team" as often as you are able..relationships only thrive when they are fertilised often...of course you will have the old old friends that you can turn to occasionally even when you havent seen them in ages. However, sometimes circumstances may have changed so much in both your lives, it can be difficult to give and receive objective views on some matters.
Soo..keep your favourite members but always consider that it is never too late to bring new players onto your team...they don't have to be substitute players..just players who are there to do the right job at the right time!
Types of Relationships that Can Zap Us..
We all know them and I am sure most of us have behaved like this ourselves on many occasions..like everything in life...a little in moderation is ok but when you find that someone is CONSTANTLY bringing you down with this type of behaviour then it's time to take a step back and look to your TEAM for inspiration!
Soo.. who should be on your TEAM!!
It's quite simple really...
Look for friends/colleagues and relatives that are:
and remember... the players on your "nurturing team" should not be people who you "feel guilty" about if you have not called or rung them up.. you probably know instinctively who they are. If you feel guilty, then they are maybe one of the ones on your SHAMERS list. Talk to them, tell them how you would like the relationship to work..if it turns out they are not on the same wave-length...enjoy the other talents they have when you meet out on the bigger playing fields...
The wonderful thing about "growing-up" whatever age we are, is that everything changes and we need to be able to shape up, keep up and go with the flow..
"a rocking horse keeps moving..but it never actually moves"; and a "merry-go-round horse just keeps going round and round in circles"...
Sooo... make sure YOUR horse is a FINELY TUNED race horse.!!" -stuck in the stalls for a short while but ready to burst out and head towards his goal in a strong, dedicated and focussed manner - whilst avoiding knocking over and trampling on any other jockey in the process..!!!
Ask yourself:
Am I myself around them?
Do I feel they accept me for who I am?
Are they critical or judgemental of me?
Is there an even "give and take"
Do I feel upbeat and energised when I'm with them?
Do we hold the same values and integrity?
Is this person committed to our relationship?
Does this person genuinely celebrate my success?
Do I feel great about myself when I'm around this person?
Remember that you are looking to build your own "nurturing family". You are looking for your own "team" that YOU can turn to in times of need. Friends/family whom you know that you YOURSELF are genuinely wanting to be there for in THEIR times of need.
You should schedule as many chats/visits/outings with members of your "team" as often as you are able..relationships only thrive when they are fertilised often...of course you will have the old old friends that you can turn to occasionally even when you havent seen them in ages. However, sometimes circumstances may have changed so much in both your lives, it can be difficult to give and receive objective views on some matters.
Soo..keep your favourite members but always consider that it is never too late to bring new players onto your team...they don't have to be substitute players..just players who are there to do the right job at the right time!
Types of Relationships that Can Zap Us..
We all know them and I am sure most of us have behaved like this ourselves on many occasions..like everything in life...a little in moderation is ok but when you find that someone is CONSTANTLY bringing you down with this type of behaviour then it's time to take a step back and look to your TEAM for inspiration!
Soo.. who should be on your TEAM!!
It's quite simple really...
Look for friends/colleagues and relatives that are:
and remember... the players on your "nurturing team" should not be people who you "feel guilty" about if you have not called or rung them up.. you probably know instinctively who they are. If you feel guilty, then they are maybe one of the ones on your SHAMERS list. Talk to them, tell them how you would like the relationship to work..if it turns out they are not on the same wave-length...enjoy the other talents they have when you meet out on the bigger playing fields...
The wonderful thing about "growing-up" whatever age we are, is that everything changes and we need to be able to shape up, keep up and go with the flow..
"a rocking horse keeps moving..but it never actually moves"; and a "merry-go-round horse just keeps going round and round in circles"...
Sooo... make sure YOUR horse is a FINELY TUNED race horse.!!" -stuck in the stalls for a short while but ready to burst out and head towards his goal in a strong, dedicated and focussed manner - whilst avoiding knocking over and trampling on any other jockey in the process..!!!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
CREATE Your Very Own Nurturing Family....Read on,,,
You may be one of the very few people who has EVERYTHING in place in your life...the most wonderful parents - still alive and living near you..your close friends from school or college round the corner...helpful neighbours...brilliant work colleagues that you can relate to and really get along with and be yourself....inspired, calm, caring children and relatives who are always there for you at the drop of the hat...a loving, nurturing relationship with your soulmate.... If you have all of these or indeed ANY of these..YOU are very fortunate..because in this day and age it is getting harder and harder to surround ourselves with a soulful community!
This is for many different reasons...Divorce, fall-outs with siblings, loved ones passing away or just feeling that you are constantly having the "life sucked out of you" by some people who are in your life at the moment!!!
However, if you pick your own "TEAM" to become intimate with and you invest the time and energy in THESE relationships, then I GUARANTEE you will feel far more "connected" with yourself and the immediate world around you.
It could be as simple as getting your three oldest and closest friends together for dinner once a month or arranging a regular game of golf with three special people that you can open up to and communicate with on an honest, caring and non superficial level! It could mean making the effort to call the people in your "soulful community" once a week...really making the effort to connect with them, help them, inspire them and hopefully open up to them yourselves.
If YOU are not fortunate at the moment to have those certain people around you due to changing cirumstances in your life...then it is up to YOU to CREATE your own community. Work hard at finding the members of YOUR team and you will reap the benefits for yourself and hopefully, help THEM in the process..
We ALL have a growing need for closer relationships these days.. this is because:
a) We communicate so much nowadays via email and the internet
b) Our places of work which used to be a place of "community" for many has changed - with many redundancies and re-organisations in companies, people find themselves looking to find jobs in a new way. Lots more people work from home and therefore in isolation.
c) Workers are working even longer hours which leads to people generally having less time for each other.
Ask yourself this question "If you had an extra hour each day, what would you want to do with it"? Many of you will say.. "I'd spend more time with family and friends.."
Don't wish to sound depressing.. but when we come to the end of our lives, what will we want other people to remember MOST about us? How much money we made? What a successful career we had? What education we received? Unlikely... It is more likely that you will want others to remember how much "time you had for them"...and you YOURSELF will feel GRATEFUL that you had the chance to share your life with the people you love and respect.. You will want to have loved and connected in a way that leaves no room for regret.
If we don't have a "connected" feeling with someone, then it can make us take our relationships for granted. We basically cant MISS what we DONT have!! When we experience warmth and happiness in our relationships with others, then need for an even BIGGER soulful community takes priority and we CREATE THE TIME to build it NATURALLY.
Ideally we can always turn to those in our "special family" to help us overcome FEAR, see the TRUTH in ourselves and give us the SAFETY and SECURITY for us to grow and evolve. EVERYONE yearns for this in some way...however MOST of us don't like to ADMIT it!!! It's as if we think there is something shameful about wanting and needing to be cared for and loved!!
Sooo.. How Do You Find the Types of Relationships that CAN SUCK THE ENERGY OUT OF YOU and How do you find the TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS to INSPIRE you?
TOMORROW I will give you the tools to help you you find this out and help you to CREATE your own "NURTURING FAMILY"!
In the meantime...think about some people in your life at the moment.. and ask yourself the following questions..
Am i able to be myself around them?
Do I feel they accept me for who i am?
Is there an even "give and take" exchange of energy?
Do we roughly share the same values and integrity?
Is this friend/relative committed to our relationship?
Does this person genuinely celebrate my success?
Do I feel great about myself when I am with this person?
This is for many different reasons...Divorce, fall-outs with siblings, loved ones passing away or just feeling that you are constantly having the "life sucked out of you" by some people who are in your life at the moment!!!
However, if you pick your own "TEAM" to become intimate with and you invest the time and energy in THESE relationships, then I GUARANTEE you will feel far more "connected" with yourself and the immediate world around you.
It could be as simple as getting your three oldest and closest friends together for dinner once a month or arranging a regular game of golf with three special people that you can open up to and communicate with on an honest, caring and non superficial level! It could mean making the effort to call the people in your "soulful community" once a week...really making the effort to connect with them, help them, inspire them and hopefully open up to them yourselves.
If YOU are not fortunate at the moment to have those certain people around you due to changing cirumstances in your life...then it is up to YOU to CREATE your own community. Work hard at finding the members of YOUR team and you will reap the benefits for yourself and hopefully, help THEM in the process..
We ALL have a growing need for closer relationships these days.. this is because:
a) We communicate so much nowadays via email and the internet
b) Our places of work which used to be a place of "community" for many has changed - with many redundancies and re-organisations in companies, people find themselves looking to find jobs in a new way. Lots more people work from home and therefore in isolation.
c) Workers are working even longer hours which leads to people generally having less time for each other.
Ask yourself this question "If you had an extra hour each day, what would you want to do with it"? Many of you will say.. "I'd spend more time with family and friends.."
Don't wish to sound depressing.. but when we come to the end of our lives, what will we want other people to remember MOST about us? How much money we made? What a successful career we had? What education we received? Unlikely... It is more likely that you will want others to remember how much "time you had for them"...and you YOURSELF will feel GRATEFUL that you had the chance to share your life with the people you love and respect.. You will want to have loved and connected in a way that leaves no room for regret.
If we don't have a "connected" feeling with someone, then it can make us take our relationships for granted. We basically cant MISS what we DONT have!! When we experience warmth and happiness in our relationships with others, then need for an even BIGGER soulful community takes priority and we CREATE THE TIME to build it NATURALLY.
Ideally we can always turn to those in our "special family" to help us overcome FEAR, see the TRUTH in ourselves and give us the SAFETY and SECURITY for us to grow and evolve. EVERYONE yearns for this in some way...however MOST of us don't like to ADMIT it!!! It's as if we think there is something shameful about wanting and needing to be cared for and loved!!
Sooo.. How Do You Find the Types of Relationships that CAN SUCK THE ENERGY OUT OF YOU and How do you find the TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS to INSPIRE you?
TOMORROW I will give you the tools to help you you find this out and help you to CREATE your own "NURTURING FAMILY"!
In the meantime...think about some people in your life at the moment.. and ask yourself the following questions..
Am i able to be myself around them?
Do I feel they accept me for who i am?
Is there an even "give and take" exchange of energy?
Do we roughly share the same values and integrity?
Is this friend/relative committed to our relationship?
Does this person genuinely celebrate my success?
Do I feel great about myself when I am with this person?
Monday, 4 April 2011
Learn from the Fleas....How to Surpass Your Expectations!...
The secret of setting, reaching and surpassing your goals, is to set in place some tools and then to APPLY what you have learned. Once you have these tools, you will be blown away by how changing small things in small ways will dramatically improve your world..Once you are ARMED with the WHAT WHY and HOW...then you can take control of your life..
You may have heard the story of the "JUMPING FLEAS"!!..
Over a number of years,jumping flea trainers observed the strange yet PREDICTABLE habits of jumping fleas. In order to train them they would put them in a plastic see through box with a cardboard lid. The fleas would jump and hit the lid over and over..as the trainers watched them jump and hit the lid something interesting happened..the fleas continued to jump but not quite high enough to hurt theselves against the lid. However, the interesting part was that when the trainers took the lid off completely, the fleas kept jumping to the exact same height!!!!! They didn't jump any higher or even TRY to jump out of the box!
So why don't they jump to freedom? They won't because they CANT'T! This is because they have CONDITIONED themselves to jump only to the level where the lid USED to be!!
The point of this story? Well as human beings we tend to do the same thing! When trying to reach a specific goal we sometimes fail on our first, second and even our third attempt. This is because, just like the fleas, we mentally RESTRICT ourselves from reaching our potential because we have created a self-imposed ceiling! Just like the fleas,we think we can't jump any higher because we think we have reached our limit!
Sooo.... even though you may not have set, achieved and sustained a certain goal before please don't be AFRAID to try again now! If you positively apply your own POSITIVE goal making habits you WILL reach your goals...
DECIDE what goal YOU are going to INTEND...
WRITE it down...by declaring AN INTENTION
Sign It...
Get someone to WITNESS it..
By making a COMMITMENT and WRITING it down and then SHARING it with someone and then BOTH of you SIGNING it, then you are making A BOLD DECLARATION to YOURSELF to HONOUR that commitment!
And as a TEST to Your Comittment?
STAND in front of the MIRROR. Read your statement of intent out LOUD... WITH PASSION.....Trust me... you will feel fantastic and MOTIVATED.
To recap..
3 Get THEM to be A WITNESS..
4.Use the tools of someone who has achieved similar goals of what you want to achieve
And finally, to steal the words of the famous Nike Catch phrase..
5..JUST DO IT....
You may have heard the story of the "JUMPING FLEAS"!!..
Over a number of years,jumping flea trainers observed the strange yet PREDICTABLE habits of jumping fleas. In order to train them they would put them in a plastic see through box with a cardboard lid. The fleas would jump and hit the lid over and over..as the trainers watched them jump and hit the lid something interesting happened..the fleas continued to jump but not quite high enough to hurt theselves against the lid. However, the interesting part was that when the trainers took the lid off completely, the fleas kept jumping to the exact same height!!!!! They didn't jump any higher or even TRY to jump out of the box!
So why don't they jump to freedom? They won't because they CANT'T! This is because they have CONDITIONED themselves to jump only to the level where the lid USED to be!!
The point of this story? Well as human beings we tend to do the same thing! When trying to reach a specific goal we sometimes fail on our first, second and even our third attempt. This is because, just like the fleas, we mentally RESTRICT ourselves from reaching our potential because we have created a self-imposed ceiling! Just like the fleas,we think we can't jump any higher because we think we have reached our limit!
Sooo.... even though you may not have set, achieved and sustained a certain goal before please don't be AFRAID to try again now! If you positively apply your own POSITIVE goal making habits you WILL reach your goals...
DECIDE what goal YOU are going to INTEND...
WRITE it down...by declaring AN INTENTION
Sign It...
Get someone to WITNESS it..
By making a COMMITMENT and WRITING it down and then SHARING it with someone and then BOTH of you SIGNING it, then you are making A BOLD DECLARATION to YOURSELF to HONOUR that commitment!
And as a TEST to Your Comittment?
STAND in front of the MIRROR. Read your statement of intent out LOUD... WITH PASSION.....Trust me... you will feel fantastic and MOTIVATED.
To recap..
3 Get THEM to be A WITNESS..
4.Use the tools of someone who has achieved similar goals of what you want to achieve
And finally, to steal the words of the famous Nike Catch phrase..
5..JUST DO IT....
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