Okay...SO it’s time to CREATE TIME FOR YOUR LIFE - ie. Create the story of your great reality. Here are the rules...and by the time we finish this exercise you will have a list of positive affirmations that will describe YOUR Positve Life Story.
1. All statements must be completely POSITIVE and stated in PRESENT tense. Remember that you are TRICKING your brain into thinking that your goal ALREADY exists and forms part of your reality right NOW.
2. AVOID the words no, don’t, and not. The subconscious mind doesn’t recognize these words. If your statement is “I have no debt” the only word your subconscious hears is “debt” and you ll actually be thinking MORE about debt.
3. Start as many affirmations as you can with I AM. “I am” are very POWERFUL words that give you complete ownership of what it is that you have written and want to achieve.
Be sure to use as many descriptive, emotional, FEELING words as you can, words such as..
“enjoying, happily, proudly, celebrating, lovingly etc.”
These words CREATE emotion when you repeat the affirmations. Remember that WHATEVER you most give attention and focus to and FEEL deeply about - THAT is what you will achieve.
Make your affirmations as SPECFIC as possible, such as: “I am a size 10”, “I earn 20,000 per month”, “I drive a brand new red Ferrari”, etc.
The LAST statement on your list should be “I choose to CREATE all of this or something BETTER.”
The things you have written on YOUR list is what YOU want to achieve based on YOUR OWN life experiences up until this point.
Make sure that you set aside some uninterrupted time to complete this exercise. This is a CRITICAL step for your future success and deserves the necessary quality time to complete it.
Complete CLARITY about what you want to DO, BE and HAVE constitutes the bulk of the work!
I m sure many of you already own the best marriage-saving device ever created —the GPS —a husband’s dream that takes him where he wants to go without ever needing to stop and ASK for directions!! Even so, one thing is clear; you can’t expect your GPS to Get you to your DESTINATION without YOU punching in a SPECIFIC address.
Write down three columns
What I Don’t Want,
What I DO Want,
Why I Want It.
The reason we have a “What I Don’t Want” column is because sometimes, in order to figure out what you DO want, it is easier to identify what you DONT want and then rewrite that as a POSITIVE, OPPOSITE statement.
To fill out this column ask yourself based on past experiences . what you dont wanT Here are some examples:
what i dont want what i would like
I don’t want to be broke I have an abundance of money
I don’t want a job I hate I love my job
I don’t want to be alone I am in a loving relationship
I don’t want to be fat I am trim, taut and terrific
I don’t want feel like a loser I am a confident, intelligent person
I don’t want people to take advantage of me – I am strong and empowered
You may already know exactly what you DO want without filling out the first column and that’s okay – just write that down in short, positive, present tense statements.
Here are some more examples:.
I happily and easily pay my bills on time.
I am the number 1 salesman in my industry.
I cheerfully exercise every day.
I am an inspiration to others.
I lovingly spend quality time with my family each day.
I am a valued employee.
I proudly donate 10% of my income to worthy charities.
I am a loving wife
I am respected by my peers.
I am excited to wake up next to my beautiful partner.
Together we are unstoppable. I am energized every day.
I celebrate shopping for new clothes.
Onto the final column
– WHY I Want It.
Here is where you focus on your OWN personal MOTIVATION to achieve these things. Focusing on your WHY gives creates a “volcano” of burning, internal motivation especially if your WHY is something outside of yourself, greater than just you alone.
For example:
I get to go to the uni of my dreams
My partner falls in love with me all over again.
I make my parents proud.
I have the love and respect of my children.
I create a loving relationship with my family.
I attract my perfect partner.
I enjoy time with my kids.
I have the freedom of choice.
I feel healthy and energetic every day.
Get the picture?
Try and review this at least twice a day = morning and evening..
One more thing...
Although the CREATION of your Positive Great Life Story is supposed to invoke positive emotions, there may be some situations where reading your affirmations brings out a negative emotion for you.
Let me explain;
Suppose that one of your statements is “I am a size 10” but when you look in the mirror and don’t see a size 10 looking back at you, your mind spirals into negative thoughts like: “No you’re not, fatty”; or “You look more like a size 20”; or “You don’t even remember what a size 10 looks like”! (you know what I mean). Clearly, this thought process does not create a good, POSITIVE feeling.
To counteract this potential negativity, start these affirmations with the statement:
“I am happy that I am in the process of “...“becoming a size 10” OR “earning 20,000 per month,” etc.
Or ask yourself...
“Once I ACHIEVE this goal, who will BENEFIT How will that make me
Everyone is different. Choose which method serves YOU best.
HOW to CONSTRUCT your personalized plan of action.
We each have DIFFERENT goals to achieve which makes it impossible to convey specific instructions on how to take action for EACH one. This you must research YOURSELF and seek counsel from experts if needed.
Remember that once you are clear on what you want plus you visualize and attach emotion to it, the right course of action WILL appear for you.
Things have an uncanny way of shifting so that the people, events and resources you need will turn up to help you achieve what you want to happen.
As you start to consistently revise your Positive Life Story, you will find ideas coming to you on how you should proceed. Make you sure take note and listen to your intuition on these ideas.
The important thing is to take ACTION.
1. Research the internet,
2. ask people who have already achieved your goal or something similar themselves,
3. check in with friends and family for help...
4. whatever it takes to get you moving toward your goals.
Your customized plan will NATURALLY become clear for you.
It's NOT what's happening to you NOW or what has happened in your PAST that determines who you BECOME!
It's your DECISIONS about what to FOCUS on, what things MEAN to you, and what you're going to DO about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.
SOOOO... incorporate the Habit of Consistent Focus in order to bring YOUR story to
Each day
Keep a copies of your Positive Life Story in a places that you will pass regularly during the day
your computer,
the fridge,
the bathroom mirror,
the dashboard of your car
This way you can READ your story (obviously not while you’re driving), feel empowered and visualise your new life EVERY time you have a lazy 5 minutes, what I call “daydream” time, or anytime that you need a 5 minute “power break”. Put those times to good use.
Have some FUN with this!
When appropriate, PLAY your favorite song while reciting your Positive Life Story.
Turn up the volume, jump around the room and loudly read out every affirmation that’s on your list..get a little crazy with it. This changes your state to one of fun and happiness. It CREATES a positive trigger every time you HEAR that particular song again and puts you firmly INSIDE your Positive Life Story.
I also recommend the making yourself a life movie. A life movie is a visualization tool which combines your affirmations with PHOTOS and the MUSIC that is most powerful and uplifting for you. You can download your life movie onto your iPod or your computer and watch it morning and night. This makes the process easy and fun. It keeps you completely focused and emotionally charged about the things that you want to achieve. Ask your Coach to make one for you..
The combination of these methods is extremely powerful. It is quite possible that you will achieve part or all of what you set out to achieve before the 10 week period is finished. This is why it is important to focus on your Positive Life Story everyday and make changes and updates when necessary.
Ready to make changes in your life? Create a better community? Time to yourself? Take better care of your health,reduce stress, achieve a balance in your work and personal life? You're not alone! So how do you shape up your life and overcome the obstacles that get in the way of living the life that you love and being the best you can be!! Why not Create time for your life by following our Tips From A Life Coach!
Create Time For Your Life
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