Create Time For Your Life

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Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Friday, 10 June 2011

Create Time For Your LIFE......Choose the Life You Desire......

Sooo..Did You Really Want To Be An Accountant, a Lawyer, A Doctor or a Dentist!!

WHY are so many people miserable in their current careers? Wouldn´t you agree that sometimes the way we think about choosing a career in this modern world perhaps needs to be reviewed? Most of us, when thinking about what we want to do “when we grow up” choose careers that we think will be marketable.

For example, no child grows up thinking they want to be a lawyer or accountant.

So then why is it that our society has so many lawyers, accountants, doctors and dentists.... It’s because at some point, people began to view being a lawyer as a method of survival, of attaining the glamorous lifestyle they see on TV. These people picked Law or Medicine as a career because they saw it as a way to pay off their student debts and meet their needs for happiness and fulfilment.

Wouldnt you agree that many practicing lawyers, accountants, doctors and dentists describe themselves as dissatisfied.. So why then do so many students choose professional careers.. Dont you think it’s because our society has conditioned us to choose careers in the most impractical way possible.

If you choose a career based on what makes you MONEY and not what will drive your PASSION – you’re setting yourself up for misery.

Sooo...How do we break this pattern?

Well first you have to understand the difference between a MEANS goal and an END goal. In fact many people mistake a MEANS GOAL with an END GOAL.

Sooo.. Get to Know The Difference Between  MEANS Goals and END Goals.

Wouldn´t you agree that we tend to pick CAREERS, which are MEANS goals. Instead we need to be picking an IDEAL LIF, which is the END GOAL.

How are you going to do this? Well...Decide On Your Dream Life... The trick is to not pick a CAREER. Instead you want to decide on the KIND of LIFE you want to LEAD.

Ask yourself some questions. What KIND of house do I want to live in? WHERE do I want to live? Do I like TOWN, COUNTRY, BEACHES, MOUNTAINS OR RIVERS? What LANGUAGE do I want to speak? Do I want to work in an OFFICE, from HOME, or over the NET? What TYPE of people do I want to be around?


Where would I live?
What would my house look like?
What time would I wake up?
What would I do in the morning?
What would I do in the first half of my day?
Who would I eat lunch and dinner with?
What would my friends be like?
What aremyr clients like?
What are my relationships like?
What do I like about each other?
What would I do for family time?
What is the relationship with my children like?
What do we appreciate about each other?
What would we talk about over dinner?
What would I do at night
Who would I do it with?
What would my thoughts be as I go to sleep?

Sooo.....Now Try and DECIDE On What You WANT To Do..

Actually, It’s not that easy. It might be easy to think of what you WANT but it’s a little HARDER finding out HOW to get there. However....” When you start asking the right questions, your mind will open up to inspirational sources and the necessary steps you need to take WILL start coming to you”. A good coach will help direct you...

Many of us dont understand the difference between genius and inspiration. Some people think it comes from random flashes of insight that hit you. But that’s not actually the case. Those "random insights" only come to you when you’ve actually given your subconscious mind a PROBLEM to SOLVE. In this case the PROBLEM is the kind of life you want to CREATE and how you are going to get yourself there!

When you start thinking in this way.... you’ll start finding shortcuts. For instance,quicker, more EFFICIENT ways to get to your dream life. You may then find that struggling as an underpaid lawyer or junior accountant or tax collector or low level architect for years and years while waiting for the next salary rise will probably NOT be the path to your END vision.

SOOO.. Why not Follow your Inspiration And Take Action?

How would you feel about perhaps taking the plunge and instead pursue your PASSIONS...for instance... Reading, writing, travel, building websites., writing music, studying personal growth and meditating to help you discover your true passions.

At first you might struggle....  Or spend a few years not earning as much as you had hoped. You might watch as many of your friends who were graduates or lawyers or programmers get good jobs and start ‘proud careers’. But following your PASSION WILL get you somewhere. You will end up perhaps running a company of your own and having A CLEAR END VISION IN MIND OF THE LIFE YOU WANT TO CREATE!

TRY not to sit down and decide you are going to build a business. Instead think about what kind of life you want to lead and the inspiration will come that will help you CREATE that life. The BEST ideas for getting clients. The BEST models for marketing your talents. The BEST people in your life.  And then.....take action. Try and listen to your gut instincts and ideas and PURSUE the opportunities that come your way. This is how you build a LIFE. Put the “career” part to one side!

Sooo.... if you’re wondering what to do with your life - maybe you’ve just graduated or perhaps you’re leaving a 15 -year career.....think about your END goals and not your MEANS goals. Then when you´ve worked out your END goal, follow it up with ACTION and Create Time For Your Life...

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