Create Time For Your Life

Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....


Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Sunday, 19 June 2011

A Little Thought on Thoughts......

Have you ever thought that life is somehow just "HAPPENING to you"..and that you are a "victim" of every situation that just seems to happen that you dont particularly like?

Well how would you feel if i suggested that in actual fact life is proceeding THROUGH you and BY you and in actual fact, the way you shape your ideas, changes your experiences.

Try this...every time something happens that you DON´T like, or that you feel uncomfortable with.....PAUSE, take a breath and then CONSCIOUSLY choose what you are going to think about the situation...In other words, "CHOOSE to "THINK" a thought!"

That way you will be able to make what YOU want out of the experience rather than letting the experience make what it will out of YOU!

This lovely poem by Henry Van Dyke puts this aptly..

Thoughts Are Things

“I hold it true that thoughts are things.

They're endowed with body and breath and wings.

And that we send them forth to fill

the world with good results or ill.

That which we call our secret thought

speeds forth to earth's remotest spot,

leaving its blessings or its woes

like tracks behind it as it goes.”

We build our future thought by thought.

For good or ill, we know it not.

Yet so the universe was wrought.

Thought is another name for fate.

Choose then thy destiny and wait,

for love brings love and hate brings hate.”

Sooooo.....remember, it´s not just a question any more of "thinking before we speak"....we need to learn to "think before we think!!!"!

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