Create Time For Your Life

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Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Do You Have A Touch of the Affluenza Virus?... Take the Quiz.....

You may or may not have read Oliver James' book called AFFLUENZA. If you have then I am sure you will have been enthralled..if not then try and Create Time to read it...The book tells us how an epidemic of "affluenza" is sweeping through the english speaking world and how the more obsessive, envious, and "keeping up with the Joneses" we are becoming, we are becoming twice as prone to depression, anxiety and addictions than people in other developed nations..and we are now infecting the rest of the world with this virulent virus!

He spells out how issues like consumerism, property fever and the battle of the sexes vary across societies with different values, beliefs and traditions and comes to the unavoidable and potentially life changing conclusion that to ensure our emotional health, we can and must pursue our NEEDS rather than our WANTS.

The book is a fascinating read, and his opening pages have the following quiz in it... Thought you may enjoy reading it as it is food for thought for us all!!


Do you agree with ANY of the following statements?

I would like to be a very wealthy person...
I would like to have my name known by many people..
Iwould like to succesfully hide the signs of ageing...
I would like to be admired by many people...
I would like to have people comment often about how attractive i look..
I like to keep up with fashions in hair and clothing...
I would like my name to appear frequently in the media...
I often compare what I own with what others own...
Possessions can be just as important as people...
Shopping or thinking about what to buy greatly preoccupies me...
If an acquaintance can't help me get ahead in life, I usually move on...
I'm less concerned with what work i do than with what i get for it...
I admire people who own expensive homes, cars and clothes....
My life would be better if I owned certain things I don;t own now..
The things i will own will say a lot about well I've done in life...
I want a lot of luxury in my life....

If you answered yes to ANY of the questions, then you have, like most people in the English speaking world, contracted the Virus! The more you answered 'yes', the more infected you are and the greater your likelihood of becoming distressed later in life!!

I imagine that the younger you are, the more "yes" ticks you will have. Hopefully as we mature, we realise, sometimes too late that we should be nurturing our SPIRIT, MIND and BODY as opposed to our bank accounts....

The questions, partially written in jest...are somewhat thought provoking!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

NO MORE EXCUSES...Make some goals.....Read On..

Sometimes we all have a little tape recorder inside us telling us..."You won't succeed, you can't succeed. It's other people who do that kind of job/sport/wear those clothes, not you. You know you always mess up. It's best to play safe. Let other people try it out first. People won't listen to you if you suggest it first. You'll make a fool of yourself. It's far too complicated".

Well these thoughts are actually very convenient for us because it lets us stay in our comfort zone, indulge in self pity and blame others. As soon as we became an adult, we have to accept that everything is our own responsibility! We can rely on other people by always running ideas past our partner or parent....however we have to learn NOT to RELY on others. We need to take responsibility for our own lives and do what WE want to do!

If you have preconceived views on something, try to challenge your view and test their validity now and then.

Try and visualize your end goals and write down ...where you are, where you want to be and then HOW YOU ARE GOING TO GET THERE!

And remember ...PERSISTENCE is what matters...Results cant be achieved overnight!

By changing just one thing at a time you CAN make changes in your life. Don't let fear of failure hold you back...most successful people be it in business/entertainment or sport will tell you how much they suffered failure for many years until they succeeded.. Failure is something you LEARN from!

Also try not to practice the art of SELF DECEPTION! Self Deception is usually to do with wishful thinking. Challenge yourself when you feel that a self - deceiving statement is coming into your mind!

So go on.. NO MORE EXCUSES.. Step out of your comfort zone. Get some self belief back into your system...Life is about learning and growing..

Find a good coach to help you on your journey...

Monday, 28 March 2011


We all get bouts of feeling "down in the dumps" from time to time. A good way to lift yourself back up is by thinking positively. Sometimes though, it's difficult to think of the positive things to say to having a list of handy "positive thoughts" is a helpful tool to lift your spirits..

Here are some "HAPPY THOUGHTS" to inspire you..

I am a HAPPY, GRATEFUL person...
I reflect on POSITIVE goals....
My positive ATTITUDE is contagious and REFRESHING to others...
I WEAR my happy attitdue with me in EVERYTHING I do....
I am SOOO happy, i am able to find the positives in ANY situation....
Being happy is a STATE OF LIVING and living my life in a POSITIVE way attracts HAPPINESS and LOVE into my life....
I am CONSTANTLY aware of the EXCELLENCE inside me....
I constantly EXPECT positive things to happen in my life and they ALWAYS do....
Life is FULL and gives me ALL that I wish...
I know if I ask for help, joy, wellness and fulfillment, it will be given...
I SEND my positive energy outwards and am REWARDED with positive ENERGY that keeps me happy and content....
I look after MYSELF and when i look after myself, I give my love to others and they give it right back to me......
I am constantly AMAZED at all the joy my positive attitude brings me...
My grateful ATTITUDE keeps me happy and POSITIVE...
Positive MEMORIES and happy times are in my awareness and remind me of how wonderful life is.....
I find the positives in all situations and in EVERYTHING i do....
It's GREAT to be alive....
I am CONTENT with my mind, body and soul.....
Happiness comes from WITHIN and i am in control of my EMOTIONS.....
External things are wonderful but I know that to be happy i need to feel emotionally well from within.....
All of my INTERACTIONS with others produce more happiness....
My positive state of mind allows me to feel fulfilled no matter WHAT is happening in my life......
I SPREAD my love and joy to all those around me and i reap the rewards....
I CARRY my happy attitde with me in all things that i do and becauase i am SOO HAPPY, i am able to find the positive in ANY situation.....
I keep a loving positive attitude which AFFECTS others in my life in a positive way......

Copy this list down and read it whenever you have a "blip" moment!!
You could record it and play it to yourself for added ooomph!


Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Kick Your Adrenaline Habit....Read On

If you want to kick your ADRENALINE HABIT, be prepared for some PAIN.. As they say.. NO PAIN, NO GAIN!When you start to SLOW DOWN and start feeling antsy and bored, take this as a GOOD sign!! It will take time and practice to slow your body down. You could try some of the following:

ARRIVE EARLY for all appointments - pencil in an extra fifteen minutes before every appointment so you're not rushing.

Always stick an EXTRA HOUR in the parking meter so you're not panicking at the end of your meeting/shopping trip!

Make a DAILY RELAXATION SESSION - for instance immersing yourself in a long bath, listening to relaxation tapes or perhaps doing yoga or something similar.

Try to GET RID of Annoyances, Distractions and Interruptions - Put a DO NOT DISTRURB SIGN on your office door when you need to finnish something. Or TURN THE RINGER OFF your phone: whoever said you have to answer your phone just because it's ringing?!!

LOOK around your office or home and see what DISTRACTS you.. It might just be the untidy bookcase that you've been meaning to tidy up...well tidy it up and that's one distraction gone!! Phone the OPERATOR and tell them to put a stop on these TELEMARKETING calls you keep getting! You can also speak to the Post Office and get the JUNKMAIL stopped too while you're at it! If your kids are watching tv too LOUDLY, buy them a pair of headsets to muffle the sound! Go through your emails and think about lists that you SUBSCRIBED to perhaps in the first instance to boost your ideas but which are now just a DISTRACTION from your work!

Try and STRUCTURE your time efficiently.Plan a SPECIFIC afternoon when you handle your paperwork or make and return phone calls.

REMEMBER...making these changes can be uncomfortable at've been so used to charging around that your mind slows down before your body!Also one other imnportant point...if you are always BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, then the adrenaline can keep you seperated you from your FEELINGS - and our FEELINGS are the most important things in our life!

Sooo.... KICK THE HABIT and don't let the rich things in life pass you by!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Are You Running On Adrenaline Only? Read On..

Various types of FUEL give us our ENERGY in order to keep on top of our lives.Fuel that comes from healthy food, exercise and the love and support of family and friends is all POSITIVE. However other sources of fuel such as adrenaline, caffeine, sugar and anxiety can give us high bursts of energy but in the long term these JUNK fuels can put our health at risk.

BOTH types of fuel can get certain jobs done but only the RIGHT type of fuel will help our long-term physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Unfortunately, some people are fuelled by FEAR, some by a need for APPROVAL and some are fueled by external STIMULANTS.. These types of JUNK fuel all add up to the main fuel many of us run on today - ADRENALINE!

A good example of this type of behaviour, are people who are now addicted to checking their voice mails, emails or texts constantly throughout the day. What actuallly is happening is that they get a slight feeling of anxiety when they check their mail. However, they are actually INTERPRETING the FEELING of anxiety as an "energy boost" ..Soo, in actual fact they end up RELYING on these feelings of anxiety and the adrenaline rush! This dependency then becomes ADDICTIVE!!

We are living in a world which is relying on faster and faster internet; constant tv advertising ; the availability of news 24 hours a day and every mode of transportation TEMPTING us to pack in short trips that we think are going to "relax" us! However,in actual fact, the only thing these "conveniences" do, is push our system into OVERLOAD which in turn makes it very hard for us to slow down and relax.

Eventually the result can be a disastrous drop in blood sugar, energy and loss of our nutritional reserves. "Adrenaline junkies" are constantly looking for that next HIGH but the highs become less and less satisfying which in turn can lead to disease, diabetes and chronic fatigue.

Worryingly, most people become so accustomed to leading busy lives and rushing around to get things done and to keep busy, that they create their own vicious cycle of adrenaline abuse!!


..... Do you keep double booking social appointments?
..... Are you always checking your email, voice mail or texts?
..... Do you find it difficult to get to appointments on time?
..... Do you have a habit of over commiting in your career or personal life
..... Is your car always just about to run out of petrol?
..... Are you always in a hurry?
..... Do you panic if you don;t have your phone or lap top with you?
..... Do you catch yourself speeding more often than not?
..... Do you sail close to the wind financially?
..... Do you put things off to the last minute and find more and more you
feel as if you cant get things done unless pushed for time?
..... Is your day jammed so full that you have no time for just you?
..... Do you sometimes for forget to follow through on commitments?
..... If the phone rings when you know you should have left, do you go back
and answer it?
..... Does the thought of being bored make you nervous?
..... Do you wake in the night with racing thoughts?
..... Are you juggling several projects at once?
.... Do you keep pursuing new ideas to follow?

If you answered five or more then it's possible you may be running on adrenaline. It's time to take stock, slow down and nurture yourself!

TOMORROW, we'll look at how you can try and KICK your Adrenaline Habit!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

How About Giving Your MIND a Makeover!!!

Sometimes our MIND and BODY are so wrapped up in each other,it's difficult to work out if our THOUGHTS are creating our FEELINGS, or our FEELINGS are creating our THOUGHTS! I think it's fair to say that if we treat our MIND well, our BODY feels GOOD but if we treat our mind BADLY, our body feels BAD. Same goes for treating our mind BADLY...our BODY feels bad and if we treat our BODY badly then our MIND suffers!

Most of us realise that we tend to feel LOUSY when we are a) full of tension, b) not exercising, c) eating badly and d) having difficulty sleeping. In turn, all of these areas can affect how we feel about life in general and therefore affect our CLARITY of thought...

If ever you are feeling OVERHWELMED with your work, personal life or even your finances, take time to think about your REDS...What on earth are my REDS you ask?!!

R Relaxation

E Exercise

D Diet

S Sleep


Always remember that RELAXATION is the OPPOSITE of TENSION!!! A muscle that is relaxed cannot be tense! Therefore a BODY that is relaxed cannot be tense!! Find your own method of reducing all the tension inside you. Then practice it until relaxing becomes a strongly learned behaviour and feeling calm and relaxed becomes the norm rather just something you do for five minutes a day...(when you remember)!!



Exercise will keep your BODY in good condition. It offers many other benefits too, like relieving anxiety, anger and stress to some extent.Exercise can actually give you back some of the ENERGY that your body has become depleted of when your MIND is exhausted from sorting out the many issues that face us every day.

PUSHING yourself just that bit harder whilst exercising (once you've built your stamina up slowly!) and learning to cope with the pain and tiredness which can arise from it - spills over into our day to day lives. This can build mental strength and resilience to the stresses of life and the FEELINGS of achievement it gives us, can EMPOWER us and boost our self esteem. Think how sportsmen and women seem to have that "FEEL GOOD FACTOR" and be at ease with themselves. Well, everything's relative and you too will soon be walking on air!


When faced with the CONSTANT hassles, stress and technological nightmares of modern day living,the last thing we need is anymore pressure on our system.

Straight forward advice for everyone is simple....Cut down on REFINED and PROCESSED food. The MORE something is processed, the LESS we should eat of it! Eat fresh wholsesome foods which include the six essential nutrients we need: WATER, MINERALS, VITAMINS,CARBOHYDRATES,PROTEINS AND FAT.

Remember your five a day! Cut down on caffeine, drink in moderation and BIN the cigarettes. Of course...dont't do all of this at once...remember..set your goals but make your changes slowly in small increments. Don't be too obsessed with the scales...listen to your body and you'll know what to do!


If we don't get enough sleep, most of us feel irritable, on edge, unable to concentrate and even confused. Most of us need 8 or 9 hours sleep to feel on top of things and whilst it may be difficult to get that amount of sleep EVERY night, you should aim to get your hours in more often than not.

Try not to drink either coffee or alchohol just before bedtime...they can interrupt the sleep cycle and make you wake up early.

Don't eat too heavily late at night because the food causes the digestive system to be overactive during the night

It's also not a good idea to do exercise regimes late in the evening or use your brain too much....otherwise it's very difficult to "wind down"!

SLOW DOWN about an hour before you go to bed
ENGAGE in soothing activities like having a bath, reading a light
book or listen to your favourite music.
TRY and go to bed and get up at the same time each day.
MAKE SURE your room is neither too hot nor too cold or too

If you slowly try to CREATE TIME FOR YOUR LIFE and incorporate all these things into your routine, then hopefully you'll be able to take control and practice a more positive way of living. This in turn will give you back your ENERGY to help you make CHANGES you want to ACHIEVE in other areas of your life in order to BECOME THE BEST YOU CAN BE!!

Soooo. GO FOR IT... GIVE IT ALL A TRY and don't forget ....


Wednesday, 16 March 2011


So you want to make a SUCCESS of your life and be the BEST you can be? You know that you should set yourself some goals in order to achieve this..? How difficult can that be you're asking yourself...Well, it's not THAT difficult to think of your ULTIMATE goals. However in order to reach those final heights, be it in your career, personal or financial life, you have to set yourself SMART goals...These are goals that are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REVIEWABLE And TIMED.

WHATEVER it is you're wanting to achieve... be SPECIFIC with yourself AND Your Coach about exactly what that goal will look like when you achieve it. Think it, breathe it, talk about it...feel it!

Reasearch and MEASURE exactly what you will need to do in order to achieve your goal. Break each step of the way into small steps.. What are YOU going to do every single day, week, month or year in order to REACH your goal. Write down the PRECISE details.. Treat yourself each time you realise you are one step nearer to fulfilling your goal.

Make sure that your goal is realistic and therefore ATTAINABLE. Make each step of your hierarchy easy... remember ... "it's hard by the yard but a cynch by the inch!!"

REVIEW your list of goals each week and REVIEW the steps you have taken towards them. Decide if you have gone off at a tangent and if your goal posts have moved slightly. If so, get back on track or regroup! However, DO NOT procrastinate...procrastination will only lead to lethargy and the slippery road south!!

Keep to your TIME FRAME.. at all costs and be accountable to yourself, colleagues, spouse, coach or whoever you can rely on to help you on your positive path to perfection!

GOOD LUCK.... REMEMBER- In Order To Get To The Top Of the Chart, You'll Get There Quicker by thinknig SMART!!!

S specific
M measurable
A attainable
R reviewable
T timed

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Let's Fill Up Your Life Energy Stores!! Read On..

Over the last few days, you made your own "TO DEAL WITH" lists on Work, Money, Relationships, Environment, and Mind Body and Spirit.

Now you've made your own personal procrastination lists, write down the top ten you are keen to sort out..

Keep the list in various places where you cant help but stare at it a few times a day! Give yourself a goal timescale of when you want to complete the list...BE REALISTIC! Normally there are three ways you can solve each item : 1) SORT IT OUT YOURSELF 2) PAY SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT 3) THROW IT OUT - throwing out could mean just getting rid of a relationship that isn't working, or a car that's costing too much in fuel. You will soon catch on to the things that you can get rid of!! And oh boy, will you feel ten times lighter!!!

If you're DOING IT YOURSELF, then set aside a day when you can make a list of the things YOU can do. Often the things we can sort out ourselves are the things we deal with last. It's much easier to get someone else to deal with it, or just get rid of the situation!

If there are things that you can HIRE SOMEONE ELSE TO to deal with, then start hiring or negotiating. If you cant afford to pay someone, try bartering...i.e. I'll scratch your back, if you'll scratch mine!! And don't be AFRAID to let go of the reins!!!

Your "BIN" items may also be some items on your "TO DO" list!! Some clothes may need mended because you MIGHT wear them again...frankly...just DUMP them... use this as an example for other important areas in your list..BIN some of your emotional baggage, BIN some of your financial pressures. Say ADDIOS to everything that you no longer need in your life.

Also keep in mind that if you find yourself still procrastinating and procrastinating on one of the items on your list... perhaps there is a hidden message blinking at you as to WHY you just cant let go.. Try and look at it from out of the box...there could be something that you are not facing that is stopping you from dealing with it.. LISTEN to your intuition.. It can work wonders!

Hopefully by working through your list, you will manage to CREATE TIME FOR YOUR LIFE.... Come on! Get Started! What you waiting for?

Thursday, 10 March 2011

How Much Energy Do You Have For Your Body, Mind and Spirit? on

Over the past few days we have looked at how our ENERGY can DRAIN us by unattended issues relating to our Environment, our Relationships, our Career and our Finances..Today we take a look at our Mind, Body and Spirit.We talked about how you could try to imagine that you have various energy lines running from you to your past and to your future and when those energy lines get caught up in the PAST or the FUTUTRE, this leaves no energy for the PRESENT Now imagine you can RE-DIRECT these lines.. If you sort out each item on the various "to deal with" lists, then, with the RIGHT TOOLS, it means that you'll be able to handle each one fully. You can then slowly bring ALL your energy back into the present moment!! You'll feel yourself getting STRONGER, with lots MORE energy and able to focus completely on the PRESENT tasks in hand. You'll feel a sense of RELIEF, as you're FREED from all these distractions!!

Take a look at the list below and see how many apply to YOU...

....I'd like to exercise regularly but just dont seem to find the time
....I cant remember the last time i went to the dentist
....I have a book list which i keep but never find the time to read
....I lack a spiritual or religious practice in my life
....I feel as if my emotional needs aren't met
....I dont get enough sleep
....I have issues with my health which i am avoiding
....I eat too much junk food
....I feel as if I could have more intellectually stimulating personal interests

Add however many more you think apply to yourself.

Now give yourself 2 for each one you mentally ticked. Add up each section on the previous topics individually and multiply each individual score by 2... Now dd up the total scores and see what you reach..!!

Try to imagine that your inner measurement chart begins with 100 points - what's your level at the moment? How much energy have you got left for the important things in your life? Are there areas that are knocking the stuffing out of you more than others? Dont' panic..the average person normally has at least 75% of their mental energy caught up in those other distractions.. and dont even realise it! Becoming AWARE of where you're losing your energy will help you learn a lot about may dawn on you that, although you worry about your difficult boss, it's actually the state of your finances that's draining your strength!

Soooo.. now you know where your energy is disappearing to, you can start to concentrate on dealing with the things you've been PUTTING OFF or PUTTING UP with!! It's your QUALITY OF LIFE that is most important to you so make sure that those actions that affect it get the MOST attention!!!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Is The Way You're Handling You're Money Taking All Your Energy? Read on...

It may interest you to know, that while sometimes we think that it's our relationships, our environment or our health that are consuming our energy, it's actually the state of our finances that are sapping our strength! Sometimes making the decision to make the difficult but necessary changes that will have an immediate and positive impact on the quality of our life,is in fact the most difficult decision of all!!

What life changes might YOU experience if you begin to eliminate your energy drains? Ask yourself whether you're holding back from handling some financial issues because of how it might affect your life in other areas?

Look at the list below and see how many are applicable to you.

...I spend more than i am earning
...I am constantly late paying my bills
...I avoid paying all my tax
...I put off filling in the tax forms
...I don't have a plan for my financial future
...My credit rating is not how i'd like it to be
...My credit cards are all so high that i only manage to pay the minimum each month
...I hide my bills unopened in a drawer!
...I don't have adequate insurance cover
...My mortgage rate is too high and i might have to refinance
...I have nothing set aside in case i am sick/get married/have a child
...I have debt that needs to be paid off
...I don't have 10 per cent of my annual salary set aside in case of an emergency
...I have not written a will

How many of these have you mentally ticked.. give yourself two for each one and add them to the answers you gave on relationshiops, environment and career.. Tomorrow we will cover Body, Mind and Spirit...then you can work out exactly what's draining you and in which areas!

Is Your Job Squeezing the Energy Out of You?.

Try to imagine that lines of energy lead from your body to everything incomplete in your life! The lines run from you to the past - things that are not resolved and also to your future - the things you wish for and think about constantly.. When these lines of energy get caught up in the past or your future, (the places where most of us live), this leaves no energy left for NOW....the present...the things we are to deal with TODAY! How many of these lines are leading to areas that make you happy? How much energy do you have  for NOW  to do what YOU most WANT to do with your life?Are lots of things nagging at you? What's eating at you? Now IMAGINE you can REROUTE these lines and with the right tools you can DEAL with each item...
Over the last couple of days we looked at your Relationships and your Environment.. Today we are going to see what is unresolved in the area of your WORK AND CAREER!

What applies to you in the following list?

.......I want to get back to work after a long spell away from it

.......I'm not getting a kick out of my job any more and find it difficult to motivate myself to get up each day!

.......My job is giving me lots of stress and i am too tired for anything else at the end of the day..

.......My office is disorganized, my desk is chaotic and i can never imediately find what i am looking for.

.......I'm ignoring a situation which is going to lead to a confrontation at work

.......I'm putting up with a bad attitude from a colleague or boss

.......I'm not as good as i should be on the computer...and it affects my productivity.

.......I dont have as much office equipment that i need, in order to perform as well as i could

........My job isn't allowing me to be as creative as i know i could be

........I find it very difficult to let go of the reins and delegate some of my tasks

........I am completely thrown with the huge amount of emails, letters, books, magazines, phone calls that I'm consistently having to field off, whilst focusing on my specialist area of work.

.......I am staying in my current job because i am too afraid to make a change

........I am unemployed and have made no effort to get a job because i lack motivation because i havent found the kind of career that is going to fulfill me

Give yourself a 2 for each one that applies to yourself can add more onto your list if you want. Add these scores to the previous lists on environment and relationships... Tomorrow, we will look at MONEY!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Are Your Relationships Draining You or Giving You Energy? Read on..

Every action we take uses energy..What you may not realise is that actions we DON'T take, use up our energy also... mental energy, emotional energy, energy that could be used in a more positive fashion!  All these things we've been "MEANING" to deal with ,zap our energy in small chunks every day.  And what about the more challenging ones? An elderly relative or children living far away that you constantly worry about? The financial issues that you've been ignoring but keep you awake when you should be re-charging your energy stores? Or the medical problms of yourself or close friend or family member that get put off until they become serious and unavoidable...All these items on your mental "to do" list, the ones we procrastinate about, distract us ,or make us feel guilty, DRAIN the very energy we need to accomplish our goals!

Soo ....stop for a moment..What are YOU worried about? Are you thinking about a row you had with a colleague las tweek?  Is your will up to date? Your taxes done? Your essays for uni /college on schedule? Is there a conversation you should be having with your boss, a friend, your mother?  Notice what is stealing your energy...  today... let's look at your RELATIONSHIPS. What's Draining You?

......I need to make those phone calls, type those e.mails , write that letter i've been putting off

......I feel a void in my life due to the lack of a caring/romantic partner

......There are people in my life who continuously drain my energy

.....There is someone i need to forgive

......There are a couple of phone calls i am dreading making and they are causing me stress and anxiety

......I have an unresolved conflict with a family member

......I lack quality friendships in my life

......There is a relationship i need to end

......I miss being part of a supportive community

......I am currently involved in a relationship that compromises my values

Value each item at 2 points.. and keep score...adding yesterday's section on Environment....tomorrow we will concentrate on Work....

Monday, 7 March 2011

What Areas of Your Life Are Zapping Your Energy? Read on...

 With every action we take, we use up some of our energy.  However...actions that we DON'T take use up our energy also. This is Mental and emotional energy that we could use in a more POSITIVE way. When your energy becomes tied up in your past or your future(where most of us live), this leaves no energy for Now!!  You may be surprised to know that the initial work of a lifecoach will be to focus on REMOVING   things from your life, instead of  just focusing on achieving goals!! It's all about extreme self care.. First you have to be SELFISH, then you arrange your life to reflect your PRIORITIES and then you IDENTIFY what's zapping your energy levels!!

Sooo... what's ZAPPING you?  Today let's look at your ENVIRONMENT...How many apply to you?

.....My car is in need of cleaning/and/or repair
.....I want to move somewhere different
.....My room/flat/house is clutered with no order
.....I am surfing the internet and watching tv too much
.....Repairs need to be done
.....I have appliances that need to be repaired
.... I miss having more beauty reflected around me
.....My wardrobe needs emptying and updating
.....My kitchen cupboards are cluttered and need to be cleaned

Value each items at 2 points..  tomorrow we will look at Relationships, then, work, then money then Mind, body and spirit!  When you have completed all checklists, you will be aware of what's draining you..then you can begin to focus on the things you've been putting off or putting up with!

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Always keep your CV up to date.... Many people who have been with the same company for a long period of time but in different positions can become complacent about their CV.  You never know when you're going to need it and perhaps if you have a CV sitting ready to just be tweaked here and there, it may help you to make the decision to apply for that dream job without the "should I? shouldn't I?" questions niggling at you....  Knowing how to write a CV is really important in order to survive and thrive in todays job market. Your CV is the first impression you give to a potential employer.. It can help you get an interview or lead to new opportunities...whether you want to advance in your chosen field or you're making a drastic career change a CV is a job search necessity..

 Perhaps you are an "empty nester" thinking of returning to work after many years being a full time housewife and mother... Many women find that they actually cannot remember in detail the different jobs and job specifications they had twenty years previously.!!  So make it a good habit to keep your information up to date....adding in courses etc that you may have gone on over the years... Speak to a careers coach on how best to format and present your CV to suit your future career!!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

How's Your Fitness Routine? Check this 95 year old for Inspiration!....

Do you think you should start slowing down around 60?  How about at 70? 80?  Well if you do it's time to meet Ida Keeling.. At  95 years old, she's the world's oldest sprinter.  And when did she start the fast-paced sport?  At the young of of ... if you've been putting off starting that fitness this video of Ida and be inspired!!!