Create Time For Your Life

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Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Tuesday, 29 March 2011

NO MORE EXCUSES...Make some goals.....Read On..

Sometimes we all have a little tape recorder inside us telling us..."You won't succeed, you can't succeed. It's other people who do that kind of job/sport/wear those clothes, not you. You know you always mess up. It's best to play safe. Let other people try it out first. People won't listen to you if you suggest it first. You'll make a fool of yourself. It's far too complicated".

Well these thoughts are actually very convenient for us because it lets us stay in our comfort zone, indulge in self pity and blame others. As soon as we became an adult, we have to accept that everything is our own responsibility! We can rely on other people by always running ideas past our partner or parent....however we have to learn NOT to RELY on others. We need to take responsibility for our own lives and do what WE want to do!

If you have preconceived views on something, try to challenge your view and test their validity now and then.

Try and visualize your end goals and write down ...where you are, where you want to be and then HOW YOU ARE GOING TO GET THERE!

And remember ...PERSISTENCE is what matters...Results cant be achieved overnight!

By changing just one thing at a time you CAN make changes in your life. Don't let fear of failure hold you back...most successful people be it in business/entertainment or sport will tell you how much they suffered failure for many years until they succeeded.. Failure is something you LEARN from!

Also try not to practice the art of SELF DECEPTION! Self Deception is usually to do with wishful thinking. Challenge yourself when you feel that a self - deceiving statement is coming into your mind!

So go on.. NO MORE EXCUSES.. Step out of your comfort zone. Get some self belief back into your system...Life is about learning and growing..

Find a good coach to help you on your journey...

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