Create Time For Your Life

Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....


Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Sunday, 13 March 2011

Let's Fill Up Your Life Energy Stores!! Read On..

Over the last few days, you made your own "TO DEAL WITH" lists on Work, Money, Relationships, Environment, and Mind Body and Spirit.

Now you've made your own personal procrastination lists, write down the top ten you are keen to sort out..

Keep the list in various places where you cant help but stare at it a few times a day! Give yourself a goal timescale of when you want to complete the list...BE REALISTIC! Normally there are three ways you can solve each item : 1) SORT IT OUT YOURSELF 2) PAY SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT 3) THROW IT OUT - throwing out could mean just getting rid of a relationship that isn't working, or a car that's costing too much in fuel. You will soon catch on to the things that you can get rid of!! And oh boy, will you feel ten times lighter!!!

If you're DOING IT YOURSELF, then set aside a day when you can make a list of the things YOU can do. Often the things we can sort out ourselves are the things we deal with last. It's much easier to get someone else to deal with it, or just get rid of the situation!

If there are things that you can HIRE SOMEONE ELSE TO to deal with, then start hiring or negotiating. If you cant afford to pay someone, try bartering...i.e. I'll scratch your back, if you'll scratch mine!! And don't be AFRAID to let go of the reins!!!

Your "BIN" items may also be some items on your "TO DO" list!! Some clothes may need mended because you MIGHT wear them again...frankly...just DUMP them... use this as an example for other important areas in your list..BIN some of your emotional baggage, BIN some of your financial pressures. Say ADDIOS to everything that you no longer need in your life.

Also keep in mind that if you find yourself still procrastinating and procrastinating on one of the items on your list... perhaps there is a hidden message blinking at you as to WHY you just cant let go.. Try and look at it from out of the box...there could be something that you are not facing that is stopping you from dealing with it.. LISTEN to your intuition.. It can work wonders!

Hopefully by working through your list, you will manage to CREATE TIME FOR YOUR LIFE.... Come on! Get Started! What you waiting for?

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