Create Time For Your Life

Articles to inspire you to navigate your way confidently and safely through life....


Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Are Your Relationships Draining You or Giving You Energy? Read on..

Every action we take uses energy..What you may not realise is that actions we DON'T take, use up our energy also... mental energy, emotional energy, energy that could be used in a more positive fashion!  All these things we've been "MEANING" to deal with ,zap our energy in small chunks every day.  And what about the more challenging ones? An elderly relative or children living far away that you constantly worry about? The financial issues that you've been ignoring but keep you awake when you should be re-charging your energy stores? Or the medical problms of yourself or close friend or family member that get put off until they become serious and unavoidable...All these items on your mental "to do" list, the ones we procrastinate about, distract us ,or make us feel guilty, DRAIN the very energy we need to accomplish our goals!

Soo ....stop for a moment..What are YOU worried about? Are you thinking about a row you had with a colleague las tweek?  Is your will up to date? Your taxes done? Your essays for uni /college on schedule? Is there a conversation you should be having with your boss, a friend, your mother?  Notice what is stealing your energy...  today... let's look at your RELATIONSHIPS. What's Draining You?

......I need to make those phone calls, type those e.mails , write that letter i've been putting off

......I feel a void in my life due to the lack of a caring/romantic partner

......There are people in my life who continuously drain my energy

.....There is someone i need to forgive

......There are a couple of phone calls i am dreading making and they are causing me stress and anxiety

......I have an unresolved conflict with a family member

......I lack quality friendships in my life

......There is a relationship i need to end

......I miss being part of a supportive community

......I am currently involved in a relationship that compromises my values

Value each item at 2 points.. and keep score...adding yesterday's section on Environment....tomorrow we will concentrate on Work....

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