Create Time For Your Life

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Personal Coach and Motivational Speaker..


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Monday, 7 March 2011

What Areas of Your Life Are Zapping Your Energy? Read on...

 With every action we take, we use up some of our energy.  However...actions that we DON'T take use up our energy also. This is Mental and emotional energy that we could use in a more POSITIVE way. When your energy becomes tied up in your past or your future(where most of us live), this leaves no energy for Now!!  You may be surprised to know that the initial work of a lifecoach will be to focus on REMOVING   things from your life, instead of  just focusing on achieving goals!! It's all about extreme self care.. First you have to be SELFISH, then you arrange your life to reflect your PRIORITIES and then you IDENTIFY what's zapping your energy levels!!

Sooo... what's ZAPPING you?  Today let's look at your ENVIRONMENT...How many apply to you?

.....My car is in need of cleaning/and/or repair
.....I want to move somewhere different
.....My room/flat/house is clutered with no order
.....I am surfing the internet and watching tv too much
.....Repairs need to be done
.....I have appliances that need to be repaired
.... I miss having more beauty reflected around me
.....My wardrobe needs emptying and updating
.....My kitchen cupboards are cluttered and need to be cleaned

Value each items at 2 points..  tomorrow we will look at Relationships, then, work, then money then Mind, body and spirit!  When you have completed all checklists, you will be aware of what's draining you..then you can begin to focus on the things you've been putting off or putting up with!

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