Create Time For Your Life

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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Is The Way You're Handling You're Money Taking All Your Energy? Read on...

It may interest you to know, that while sometimes we think that it's our relationships, our environment or our health that are consuming our energy, it's actually the state of our finances that are sapping our strength! Sometimes making the decision to make the difficult but necessary changes that will have an immediate and positive impact on the quality of our life,is in fact the most difficult decision of all!!

What life changes might YOU experience if you begin to eliminate your energy drains? Ask yourself whether you're holding back from handling some financial issues because of how it might affect your life in other areas?

Look at the list below and see how many are applicable to you.

...I spend more than i am earning
...I am constantly late paying my bills
...I avoid paying all my tax
...I put off filling in the tax forms
...I don't have a plan for my financial future
...My credit rating is not how i'd like it to be
...My credit cards are all so high that i only manage to pay the minimum each month
...I hide my bills unopened in a drawer!
...I don't have adequate insurance cover
...My mortgage rate is too high and i might have to refinance
...I have nothing set aside in case i am sick/get married/have a child
...I have debt that needs to be paid off
...I don't have 10 per cent of my annual salary set aside in case of an emergency
...I have not written a will

How many of these have you mentally ticked.. give yourself two for each one and add them to the answers you gave on relationshiops, environment and career.. Tomorrow we will cover Body, Mind and Spirit...then you can work out exactly what's draining you and in which areas!

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