Create Time For Your Life

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Monday, 21 March 2011

Are You Running On Adrenaline Only? Read On..

Various types of FUEL give us our ENERGY in order to keep on top of our lives.Fuel that comes from healthy food, exercise and the love and support of family and friends is all POSITIVE. However other sources of fuel such as adrenaline, caffeine, sugar and anxiety can give us high bursts of energy but in the long term these JUNK fuels can put our health at risk.

BOTH types of fuel can get certain jobs done but only the RIGHT type of fuel will help our long-term physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Unfortunately, some people are fuelled by FEAR, some by a need for APPROVAL and some are fueled by external STIMULANTS.. These types of JUNK fuel all add up to the main fuel many of us run on today - ADRENALINE!

A good example of this type of behaviour, are people who are now addicted to checking their voice mails, emails or texts constantly throughout the day. What actuallly is happening is that they get a slight feeling of anxiety when they check their mail. However, they are actually INTERPRETING the FEELING of anxiety as an "energy boost" ..Soo, in actual fact they end up RELYING on these feelings of anxiety and the adrenaline rush! This dependency then becomes ADDICTIVE!!

We are living in a world which is relying on faster and faster internet; constant tv advertising ; the availability of news 24 hours a day and every mode of transportation TEMPTING us to pack in short trips that we think are going to "relax" us! However,in actual fact, the only thing these "conveniences" do, is push our system into OVERLOAD which in turn makes it very hard for us to slow down and relax.

Eventually the result can be a disastrous drop in blood sugar, energy and loss of our nutritional reserves. "Adrenaline junkies" are constantly looking for that next HIGH but the highs become less and less satisfying which in turn can lead to disease, diabetes and chronic fatigue.

Worryingly, most people become so accustomed to leading busy lives and rushing around to get things done and to keep busy, that they create their own vicious cycle of adrenaline abuse!!


..... Do you keep double booking social appointments?
..... Are you always checking your email, voice mail or texts?
..... Do you find it difficult to get to appointments on time?
..... Do you have a habit of over commiting in your career or personal life
..... Is your car always just about to run out of petrol?
..... Are you always in a hurry?
..... Do you panic if you don;t have your phone or lap top with you?
..... Do you catch yourself speeding more often than not?
..... Do you sail close to the wind financially?
..... Do you put things off to the last minute and find more and more you
feel as if you cant get things done unless pushed for time?
..... Is your day jammed so full that you have no time for just you?
..... Do you sometimes for forget to follow through on commitments?
..... If the phone rings when you know you should have left, do you go back
and answer it?
..... Does the thought of being bored make you nervous?
..... Do you wake in the night with racing thoughts?
..... Are you juggling several projects at once?
.... Do you keep pursuing new ideas to follow?

If you answered five or more then it's possible you may be running on adrenaline. It's time to take stock, slow down and nurture yourself!

TOMORROW, we'll look at how you can try and KICK your Adrenaline Habit!

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